Chapter 6

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NOTE: Any elements from My Hero Academia, Ben 10 or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.

Izuku: Huh?


HE SAID..."cough"...sorry...He said while scratching the back of his head.

Izuku on the other hand just stared, bewildered.

Izuku: That...! Actually makes some sense. Alright, fine!

He said, taking the hair.

He stared at the strand and gulped as he slowly lifted it to his mouth.
Que the fucking intro!


Izuku was walking home with his hand over his mouth.

Izuku: Why was is so damn salty!?

He thought. He shook his head. All Might had told him that it would take him a few hours to digest the hair, so they would start with the training tomorrow.

When he got home, his mother more or less smothered him and after about an hour she calmed down and allowed him to go to bed.

Tomorrow, his new life began.
Timeskip brought to you by Wildmutt running after an electric pole that All Might threw

Days, week, months all went by faster that Izuku thought they would.

Balancing the training, the studying and the Hero work was hard but it was manageable.............somewhat.

Right now Izuku was at home, eating dinner with his mother. Well is say eating, he was staring and smiling at the fired fish that he held with his chopsticks.

Inko: Izuku! Izuku!

He snapped out of it and looked at his mother.

Inko: Why are you smiling at that fish? Should I be worried about you honey?

Izuku: Oh no no! I just spaced out for a minute!

He said before gulped down the great of his dinner. He then stood up and went upstairs to change. He was back down in about a minute.

Inko: Where are you going?

Izuku: Patrol! I promise I won't be out long!

Inko: Oh, alright. Don't forget to wear your costume!

Izuku: I won't!

He said looking back at her, already wearing his temporary costume.

He said looking back at her, already wearing his temporary costume

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