Chapter 7

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NOTE: Any elements from My Hero Academia, Ben 10 or any other video games/anime/cartoons/movies I do not own. Neither do I own the videos or images I may use.
(I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do in this chapter)

Izuku was making his way home but he was slower than he usually is. Why? That girl Camie, for some reason he couldn't get her off of his mind. Sure they literally met like ten minutes ago but it's just something about her.

Maybe it was because she let him go, maybe it was the way she talked or maybe it was her seduction that got to him. He stopped and put a hand on the cheek that she kissed before groaning in frustration.

Izuku: Why is this so complicated?

He sighed before looking out onto the night's sky.

It was a quiet night. No robberies or Villains attacking. Just the moon shining brightly in the sky along with hundreds of thousands of stars. It was a beautiful sight.

His moment was interrupted when he heard firetruck on the street below him.

He followed their direction and froze when he was a giant cloud of black smoke.

The worst part was
The smoke was coming from the area where he lived!

He tried to activate the Omnitrix but the thing wouldn't budge, it wouldn't even light up and tell him why it wasn't working.

Izuku: Damn it! Not now you piece of garbage!

He gave up and dropped down to street level and started running.
Timeskip brought to you by Izuku standing alone in the dark

He stood frozen before the scene.

His home was burning.

It was ablaze with blue flames as the firefighters and Backdraft tried desperately to put the fire out but to no avail. The flames seemed endless.

In front of the firetrucks along with Backdraft stood Death Arms, Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady along with some sidekicks and interns.

Izuku: What the hell happened!?

He said, startling some of the people present before Backdraft spoke.

Backdraft: No idea! This fire just seemed to come out of nowhere!

Izuku: And what about my mom!? Is she still in there!?

Backdraft: I don't know! We didn't see anyone come out and we can't go in!

He growled in frustration as he gazed upon his burning home.

Camie: Omni.

She said, reaching to put a hand on his shoulder.

Izuku: Damn it!

He yelled before slamming his hand on the Omnitrix, a bright flash of green made everyone shield their eyes before the light died down revealing his new form.

Izuku: NRG!

Izuku: NRG!

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