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Will's POV

We were about to leave to go to Paris. Stephen was driving, it was gonna take quite a while, he had said to me. it didn't bother me, I'd probably sleep most of the way there.

when we got in the car, Stephen kissed my nose "I hope you enjoy this trip, Will. I spent a lot of fucking money on this." He adds, laughing.

Stephen's POV

Oh my god. I was about to go to Paris with the love of my life. Play it cool, Stephen. I think to myself Tell him some jokes. so that's what I did. "Hey Will," I said after about 20 minutes of Will just staring at his phone "yea?" He asks, looking up from his screen "d'you know what my friends call me back in Manchester?" I didn't wait for an answer, just went straight into the punchline "Thomas The Wank Engine." I laugh, amazed about how amused I am by that joke. it was true though. Will didn't look impressed though, he had an expression that gave off a clear message to shut the fuck up. but I didn't. I kept going, hitting him with jokes "but down here they call me Willy Wanker." Will sighed at me, stifling a laugh. I know eventually I'm gonna be able to make him laugh properly. "Hey, d'you wanna know what I'm famous for?" I ask, again, not wating for an answer "I'm famous for noncery... sorry, I meant comedy.. they're easily mistaken." hah, I did it. Will started to laugh "you nob-head." He says to me through a fading chuckle. will does like to laugh, but I just don't think he likes most of my jokes, either that or he does but just pretends not to. I think it might be the second one. but of course I think that, as I've been told by so many, my ego is quite large. I prefer to think they're talking about my dick rather than my ego. after a couple hours, I noticed Will was asleep, I didn't blame him, we'd woken up really early after all.

after about another hour and a half, I stopped the car at some services "Will..." I mutter, shaking him slightly "I'm gonna get some coffee.. you coming in?" I ask, Will nods, stirring. I let Will wake up properly them we get out of the car, walking into the services "I gotta go to the bathroom." Will states, I nod "me to." Will didn't know my plan though. I didn't actually need to go to the bathroom.
there was no queue, surprisingly so Will walked into the stall, "Will, unlocking the door for a sec." I say after about 15 seconds. he does as I asked and I peer my head through the door, he was dressed. which I was fine with. "Will. listen to me, if you're not comfortable with anything I do, tell me to stop, ok?" Will nods, confused. I lock the door, moving closer to him. but before I could do anything, he presses his lips against mine. and we kiss, passionately. it was a cliché first kiss, but I loved it nonetheless.

OK, hi. hope you're enjoying, I tried to make this chapter longer for you and all these jokes I came up with, so if you want to borrow them, give me credits. thanks Xx

Stephen Tries × WillNE Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora