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Will's POV

We had been driving for a good 9 hours, I slept for half of that because I was so so tired. the worst thing was, we weren't even there yet. I offered to take the wheel as Stephen looked like he could fall asleep at any given moment. we were both tired, and there was a little Premier Inn coming up in a couple miles so we decided we'd stop there tonight, it sounded like a good plan to me.
when we reached the hotel, I got out of the car slowly because my legs had cramped, Stephen laughed and I scowled at him "fuck you." I say to him jokily.
we book our room and walk up the stairs, I completely ditched what the doctors said because I couldn't be bothered to use my crutch anymore. so I left it at home. when we got to the room, I smiled.. it was cute and cosy. it was quite homely. "I'm gonna a sleep, mate." I say
Stephen nods "ok, mate. me to." then we realised there was one bed, forcing us to sleep together. it was gonna be awkward as fuck. "Stephe-" I try to speak but Stephen shushes me "I know we have to sleep in the same bed, Will. I'm not dumb." He laughs, pushing me slightly so I fall down on the the bed. it was so soft and you just sunk right in, I could tell I was gonna sleep well. I take my tshirt off, deciding to just sleep in my jeans.
after about 5 minutes, I was ready to sleep. Stephen climbs in bed next to me and he wraps an arm around me, pulling me close. "night, will.. I love you." He whispers. "I love you too Stephen." I reply, and we then both drift off to sleep.

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