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stephen's POV

"WILL WAKE UP YOU ASS! WE NEED TO GET GOING!" I shout, because will wasn't waking up, the lazy fuck. will groaned, turning over "fuck off Stephen... 5 more minutes.." He mutters, I roll my eyes and pull the cover off of him, he shivers and mutters something else that I couldn't hear, but I wasn't gonna argue, Will wasn't a morning person as it is.
after about an hour, we were ready to get back on the road, we had another good 3 hours of driving, which Will offered to take the wheel for that time but I kindly declined, being the gentleman I am.. haha no I'm joking I said he could because I couldn't be bothered.
an hour into the drive, I decided to turn the radio on because it was a little quiet, the station that it was on was a load of shite so I turned it over, on came the EdGiEsT thing I ever heard. it was fucking Slipknot. I then gave up and turned it off "Hey, Will.. you got any CDs?" I ask, Will nods and points to the glove compartment. his CDs ranged from XXXTENTACION to Hollywood Undead. I chose the album 17 by X because that was actually a pretty good album.

3 and a bit hours later

Will's POV

"well... SatNav says were here..? this looks too high class..?" I say, turning to Stephen "nope. it's just right." He says, smirking. I look at him, blinking a few times "you're joking, right?" I ask but Stephen shakes his head. "fuck you, Stephen.. this is too much money you've spent." I say, actually quite annoyed but I was secretly buzzing. I was so excited for this trip but I couldn't actually believe how much money went towards it.

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