Part 3 - Gladys

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"Really?.....Again!.....For Christ's sake.....I'll be there in 10." I terminated the phone call angrily and checked my watch. "Dammit." I cursed under my breath and began to walk swiftly towards the elevator.

I pressed the down button excessively and entered the elevator. Just as the doors closed I heard my co-worker yell, "Gladys, wait!"

I regrettably held the door open for him and he ran in. "Thanks." He panted to me as he entered the elevator. "How's your kids?" The man's name was Maddox Chessler and he was a bit too observant for my liking.

"My son is entering eighth grade in the fall and my daughter is going to be in third grade." I said with a tight smile. 

"My daughter is too, but she's at Baxter High in Greendale." The man smiled and the elevator dinged. "Well here I am, have a nice evening." 

"You too." I relaxed and I gave a genuine smile, but then began to tap my foot impatiently.


I strode into the Sheriff's station and was about to walk up to the secretary when I spotted my husband sitting on a bench with Fred Andrews.

"How did this happen?" I demanded, walking up to FP. "I didn't mean for this to happen." FP said in monotone.

"You mean you didn't intend to get caught." I quipped placing my hands on my hips. "Just like every other time." 

"I should go. Your kids are at my house, Gladys." Fred said, awkwardly. "Thanks for bailing him out again, Fred." I said, with a glare at FP.

"Don't thank me Gladys, I'll drop your kids off later." Fred finished and marched outside. "Gladys.." FP began, but I interrupted him. "Save it."

We also left the Sheriff's station and as we were driving I was deep in thought.

This had happened several times before Fred and I each having to bail him out. I had thought about leaving him there many times, just take my kids and leave, but I can't help it that I still love him.

"Gladys, please. You know we can't afford the hospital bills and neither of our jobs are going well." FP avowed trying to convince me that his wrong-doings were well-meaned. 

"Remember last time that happened? Our son was put in danger due to your bad decisions." I blew up in anger. 

"That was 7 years ago and it wasn't my fault he didn't know about stranger danger!" FP reminded me, yet again of his stupidity.

I pulled to car to a screeching stop at the trailer park. "Did you seriously just say that FP?" I was in shock, I never expected him to blame Jughead.

I exited the truck and slammed the door shut. "Gladys! I didn't mean it!" FP ran after me calling out.

"You never mean it!" I shouted, my eyes filling up with tears. "Never ever!" Tears were streaming down my face as I neared the trailer.

"Mom.." A tentative voice came from the porch of our trailer. My kids were sitting on the porch, Jellybean was almost asleep in Jughead's lap.

"Go inside." I said tightly, wiping away my tears. "Now!" 

Jughead nodded, knowing not to argue. He collected Jellybean in his arms and went inside.

I waited until I knew Jellybean was asleep before bursting into tears on the front porch. I didn't know where FP was and at this point I didn't care.

I heard the front door swing open and Jughead came and sat by me. "Fred told me Dad was arrested again." He mumbled and I sighed. 

"I don't know what to do anymore." I took a deep breath, but let out a sob. Jughead gave me a hug and I paused.

"W..what happened there?" I stuttered pointing to the bruise on his cheek. "Oh...I just fell over at Archie's." 

He frowned and didn't sound convincing, but I brushed it off. "Just come in mom. You should sleep." 

Before BettyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ