Chapter 11 - Jughead

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It's been 3 months... I'm struggling to adjust. I got a job at the drive-in, school's started but things won't.....nothing changes. I don't feel anything, except sadness.

Archie tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked. My days were mindless. School, work, sleep. I knew something had to change, but what? I had no idea.


"Jug, there's a party at Nancy Woods tonight. You should totally come." Archie said, cheerfully. "Nancy hates me, besides I have to work." Archie's face fell and I knew it was hurting him to watch me fall apart.

"Jug, please. You need to have time to be a teenager." I sighed and shut my eyes. We sat down on the bleachers. "I can't Archie, I can't, okay?"

"You can't what Jughead? Please tell me." Archie asked trying his best to be patient.

"I can't be anything. I can't feel fine, I can't be okay." I felt like the night was happening all over again. "It feels like I'm living a nightmare over and over again, Arch."

"Then let me do something." Archie begged, he wanted things to go back to the way they were. "When I think of when I'm happiest I see you and me, just hanging, but it kills me to think of happy times." I replied, wincing at the thought.

"I'm trying to help dude. Really I am, but I can't help you if I torture you every time you see me." Archie seethed, now annoyed that I wasn't helping myself. "What else is torturing you, Jug? Whatever it is get rid of it. So I can get my best friend back." He smiled and I suddenly knew what to do

"Archie...I know what I have to do. I'll see you later." I gave a fake smile, then ran as fast as I could.


I glanced up at the huge sun on the Sunnyside trailer park sign. I stopped myself from spitting at it and began to trek towards my parents' trailer.

As soon as I entered the scent of alcohol was so strong I could hardly breath.

"Dad?" I asked hesitantly into the house. Even though I came home to sleep here every night I was more scared than ever talking to my dad, especially with my mom out of the picture.

I heard loud footsteps come from the hallway and my dad stepped into the living room groggily.

"What do you want boy?" My father asked stiffly. Why should he be mad? He's the one who tore our entire family apart.

I narrowed my eyes and grabbed my jacket off the couch. "To move out." As I spoke I collected my belongings from the living room.

"Move out?" Dad chuckled which sent shivers down my spine. "Where? You have no friends, no money and I doubt your mother would take you in."

I narrowed my eyes and grabbed a slice bread. "I'll be couch surfing."

I shoved the bread into my mouth and he glared at me. "Well if that's what you want."

I glanced at the coffee table, there was a photo of Jellybean and I from when I was 12. My dad looked at me sadly, silently begging me not to.

I grabbed the photo and placed it on the top of my backpack and fled the house without another word.

That reassurance I felt when I first left quickly turned into stress. 'Where am I going to live? What if Archie asks...or Betty?' Thoughts tumbled through my brain. I couldn't tell them, so I had to work something out fast.

The drive-in. The perfect place to hide, it was safe. There was only one another person who worked there and I knew he wouldn't notice or even care. I wouldn't stay there forever of course. Just until I had enough money to join my mother.

'Perfect.' I thought as I trekked down the dirt road towards the drive in.

Author's note

Ahhhh I finally finished my first short Wattpad story!! Thank you guys for reading, voting and pulling my rankings up! I'm not super happy with how I ended this, but I'm sure the feelings Jughead felt would have been similar: denial, sadness, relief, stress and a lot more things would have been rushing through his head. Anyways I just want to thank you again. Everyone I've talked to on Wattpad has been super nice and there are so many talented writers. Please make sure to go check out Beginning without a goal on my account and maybe I'll write another Riverdale story!! THANK YOU AGAIN!! I love all of you!!!

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