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Lucy's P.O.V

I quickly punched Zeref in the face and backed away a couple feet from him. Zeref began to run at me but Yuki quickly jumped and tackled him to the ground in his wolf form. Yuki bit his shoulder hard causing Zeref to yelled in pain, Zeref quickly took his fist and slammed it against Yuki's head. Yuki yelped out in pain as he was thrown off of Zeref and skidded on his side about 10 feet. 

"YUKI!!!" The pack quickly ran over to him to examine him.

"Everyone get out of here! I can't risk anyone getting killed. Now GO!" I ordered the pack. 

"But Alpha if we do that you might get hurt or die. We can't let that happen. I don't care if I die, I'll still protect you Lucy no matter what!" Yuki said as he arose to his feet.

Zeref quickly took the chance during the conversation to get a surprise attack on Lucy and quickly sneak attack her. Zeref punched me in the face and made me skid a few feet back.

"You should pay attention to a fight when you're in one Lucy." Zeref said. 

"Don't worry my attention is all yours now." Lucy responded back.

Hey guys sorry that it took so long to update. I started school again and I have had major writer's block for this story. I'm really sorry, I'll update again soon with a continuation of this chapter. Thanks for all the support from everyone!!!!

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