Sorry Again

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Hey Guys its the author again. I'm really sorry for not updating in a long time, in all honesty I'm not going to say an excuse to justify why I haven't updated. The reason I haven't updated that I have lost my inspiration for the story, when I started this I had a good idea and a good outline for the story. I started this story two years for a friend of mine, I haven't talked to this friend in almost a year and a half so I have no idea if they still read this story. Even so I know that many of my followers and readers love this book so I'm not going to discontinue it. I repeat I am not going to discontinue it. I just need to get more inspiration for it, I've been having a lot of problems with school and with myself so when I read the comments that you guys leave for me it really cheers me up. I don't really think that my stories are all that great so I really enjoy when my readers comment that they enjoy my story. Thank you guys for supporting me in the writing of my stories. I really do hope to update and get inspiration for this story sometime soon. I'm also working on trying to improve on writing for my readers. So please continue to support me and give me more time to think of the story line for this story. 

Thank you everyone so much for being there for the story. Hope to see you soon.

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