We are sent to a leaky pot

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          I like this Percy guy he is nice and funny and most of all he loves to PRANK people.
          I am snapped out of my thoughts when Annabeth speaks up.
         "Chiron on the IM you said we were going somewhere,  where are we going? "Annabeth asked. 
          "Heroes you are going to England and then a school in Scotland,  because a new war is coming so you must prepare. Now  you are leaving tomorrow go pack and Percy,  I will give you some clothes to take and some other things. And Percy you are going to have a free period every day so take that time to go run in the forest and you have to eat mortal foods we don't want to blow our cover until I say so. Ok? " Chiron said.
            " Ok"He said. I looked over at him he had untameable raven black hair and sea green eyes with a silver lining around the pupil.
         " Hey Percy come over here I got something to show you. " We all looked over to the voice and saw it was the queen of crushing dreams herself, Clarisse La Rue.
              "Aww Clarisse leave him alone he just defeated the Minotaur and we have to go pack up for a quest so leave him alone." Jason said.
                 "Jason its ok I got this. " Percy said. " Clarisse you can't just go around pushing peoples heads in toilets for your enjoyment because those people might just save your butt someday and your treating them like crap. So just STOP!!!! He growled.
                 We all looked at each other in shock.  No one, and I mean NO ONE, had the courage to stand up to Clarisse before. Who is this guy?
                  "Hey who are you kid?!" She asked yelling.
                      "My name is Percy and I am not a kid! " He said.
                       Clarisse got a smirk on her face. "Well Prissy you better watch your back some children of Ares aren't as... forgiving as I am. " She said walking away.
                    Percy  just turned around and walked up to where Chiron was standing, got the stuff and headed to the Poseidon Cabin to go to sleep.
                    We all had our mouths open until I couldn't take it anymore so I said, "Well I'm going to sleep see yah! "
               After packing I decided to go to sleep hoping for a peaceful night bit being demigod stinks.

          I was with my mom watching her finish up in the workshop we started walking to the door when we got there she said, "My keys I'll be right back mijo."
          After a couple minutes of waiting I went to the door to go inside but the door was locked and...  HOT! 
           When Mom came back she went to open the door and couldn't. "This isn't funny mijo unlock it." She said.
            I tried again and again it didn't work I looked up and realized she disappeared and inside was a fire.
            I started to cry. Then a voice said, "This your fault little hero she's dead because of you, you failed. " I looked up and it....


                     Tia Callida.


                      Dream over

            I woke up drenched in sweat and tears. I looked over to the clock and it was nine third. Oh schist!
             I quickly got my suitcase and ran out of the cabin to Half-blood Hill where everyone else was waiting well most of them. Percy was in his wolf form on the ground next to Peleus sleeping. Awwwww. I walked up to them and said, "Don't worry people the party just started LEO FLAMIN' VALDEZ is here!!" I shouted. Apparently it was to loud and Percy sat straight high in alert looked at me growled then layed back down.  The others looked at me and said,"You're late. "
            "I know,  I know  I had a late start. " I said. The others looked at me sympatheticly they know I had a dream. "Well when are going Chiron?" I asked breaking the tension.
            "Right now, you are going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  A school in my little pet world." We all looked up to see lady Hecate. We all bowed,  well Percy sat up and bowed his head.
             "Get ready heroes you are going to be apparated to the Leaky Cauldron." Hecate said.
            It felt like shadow traveling,  but way worse. I looked over at everyone Jason was on the ground, Piper was on Jason, Frank  was hunched over the trash can, Hazel was sitting on the ground looking dizzy, Annabeth was layimg on the ground, I was sitting on the ground next to Hazel being dizzy, I finally saw Percy and he was in human form standing up straight stretching.
             "Well are we going in or what?" Percy said. We all stood up and followed him up to a building with a faded sign. But if you look closer it said Leaky Cauldron.

Percy Jackson son of Lupa and Poseidon at Hogwarts (HOO and HP) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora