The Ghost King

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Piper POV

"Percy!" Annabeth hissed. I looked over and saw Percy in his wolf form. My eyes widened. Percy tilted his head.

"Humans only in the Great Hall," I commented. Percy glared at me and turned back into a human.

"What the hell just happened?" Harry whispered.

"Harry, you can't tell anyone," Jason said. "Percy is a shapeshifter. He was born that way and sometimes he can't help his shifts." Percy's nose scrunched up.

"Okay, I promise," Harry said. I smiled at him. He smiled back and continued to eat. After dinner, us demigods walked into the woods by order of McGonagall.

"What are we doing out here?" Leo asked. Clearly rhetorical. Then a voice from the shadows chuckled.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Frank yelled, standing protectively in front of Hazel.

"Well, well, well. Six demigods I know. One I don't. Should I be concerned for you little sis?" a smooth voice called out. Nico di Angelo. Hazel's eyes lit up.

"Nico!" A short pale boy with shaggy black hair and onyx eyes stepped out, immediately attacked by Hazel.

"Hazel, cant......breathe," Nico gasped. Hazel let go.

"What are you doing here Neeks?" Jason asked.

"Mission from Dad. He heard about this new war and wanted me to round up the ghosts to make sure they wouldn't turn on Hogwarts. If they do, Hecate threatened to kill me. I don't wanna die yet so I'm working on sending the ghosts to the underworld," Nico explained. Then he glared at Jason. "Dont call me Neeks." I was happy when Nico confessed to liking Jason. I know Jason wouldn't leave me and Nico got over it. Plus he has a boyfriend now.

"How's Will?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. From my peripheral vision, I could see Hazel's red, flustered face, Jason's huge smile, and Percy's confusion. Nicos face remained stoic, but an unhealthily scarlet blush covered his cheeks.

"Good I'm guessing?" Jason asked. Nico rolled his eyes and McGonagall stifled a giggle.

"Anyways, we have a problem now," Nico said. Leo groaned loudly.

"We always have a problem!" He whined. "Why can't we all just take a trip to the Bahamas or something. Oh wait, Nico shouldnt come he's already getting enough Sunny D."

"Enough with the Sunny D jokes!" Nico exclaimed. "Anyways, I just got news from dad, about Tartarus."

"What is it?"

"Kronos escaped again. This time he's out for your blood, and he won't stop till you're all dead."

Percy looked at us, he transformed into a wolf, putting his tail between his legs. We were all doomed.

Percy Jackson son of Lupa and Poseidon at Hogwarts (HOO and HP) Where stories live. Discover now