We go to Diagon Alley

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Frank POV

We stepped into the pub and saw a bartender and went over to him.
"Hello what can I do for you today? I haven't seen you 'round here before, so I'm guessing that you're new? I'm Tom..." He paused for a minute and looked at my tattoo and said, " I am a son of Bacchus. Makes sense cause of my job. Lady Hecate told me of your arrival and hello. What are your names? He asked.
"I am Frank son of Mars, this is Jason son of Jupiter, Leo son of Hephaestus, Hazel daughter of Pluto, Piper daughter of Aphrodite, Annabeth daughter of Athena, and Percy son of Lupa and Poseidon. May we have two rooms please? " I said.
"Yes right this way. "He said. He lead us upstairs into a hallway with several doors on both sides. "Boys you are in this room and girls you are in this room, and tomorrow I will show you how to get to Diagon alley, and here are your Hogwarts letters. I expect you to know that these rooms need to be cleaned before you leave. Ok?"
"Yes sir." Leo said saluting. Tom just walked away chuckling. Percy opened the door to the boys room and had a look of horror on his face.
"W...we h..have to sleep in there? It's so small I had trouble sleeping in the cabin last night I ended up sleeping outside." He said trembling.
Jason walked over to him and said," Its going to be alright Perce it's alright. It's getting late we should go to sleep. See you in the morning girls. Come on Percy."
We all walked into our room. Percy said, "You guys can have the beds I'll sleep on the floor." Percy shifted into his wolf form and layed down on the floor and fell asleep.
" Well there's only two beds so you guys can have them I'll sleep on the floor too." I said and with that I changed into a pug and fell asleep.
The next morning I changed back into a human and changed my clothes. I wore a purple shirt with dark wash jeans.
Jason and Leo were awake. Jason wore the same as me only with light wash jeans. Leo wore a red shirt with grease stains on it and khaki shorts. Percy was still asleep in wolf form. Then we heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Jason called.
"It's us Sparky let us in." Piper called from out the door. Leo walked over to the door and opened it and the three girls walked. They all had their hair up in ponytails Hazel had shorts and a purple shirt on, Piper had the same shorts and a baby blue shirt on, and Annabeth had the same shorts and a light grey shirt on.
"Percy is still sleeping awwww he's so cute when he sleeps. But he smells awful." Hazel said. I smelled him he smelled awful. Ew! Percy then stretched out his paws and yawned. He then sat up straight and looked very uncomfortable in this room he then walked into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later in human form with a sea green shirt on and dark wash jeans.
"Good morning what's for breakfast?"He asked. We all laughed and his stomach grumbled which made us laugh even harder. He frowned and groaned. We walked out of the room and walked down the stairs into the eating area where we ate breakfast. I noticed that there was a family with red hair and two others a boy with black hair and a girl with bushy brown hair. Weird.
We all walked up to Tom and Percy said," Can you take us to Diagon Alley we all have our lists?" Tom nodded and led us to this brick wall and tapped on it and it started to show a long street with a lot of stores and a lot and a lot of people.
------------------TIME SKIP------------------
Still Frank POV
After we went down the street we went to a store called flawns and belts. What a weird name. Oh stupid dyslexia. Percy was getting uncomfortable with navigating through the crowd as a human so he went around the corner into an alley and changed into a wolf and caught up with us. We went into the store and looked at the list( which was in greek and Latin curtisey of Professor McGonagal) and went to find the books.
When we couldn't find them we went up to the counter and asked if they had the books in ancient Greek.The witch looked at us like we were growing two heads, then showed us where they were.
We got all of our books and just as we were going up to pay three people stopped us.

Percy Jackson son of Lupa and Poseidon at Hogwarts (HOO and HP) Where stories live. Discover now