Your POV

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I stepped off the airplane, numb and dazed from lack of sleep and the dull, cold air of the cabin. It took a minute for my brain to catch up with me as I walked out of the large glass doors, and it finally hit me, I was about to finally meet my best friend in person. For a few months, Ive been friends with a boy named Remington. I consitered him one of my closest friends, even though we have only ever talked through screens. I found no trouble in admitting to myself that I had developed feelings for the dark haired singer, hell, could you blame me? From the first time we talked I felt a connection to him, he was the nicest person, sweet with just the right amount of flirty, cocky, bad boy mixed in. And his looks sure made me fall harder. My feelings for him only grew stronger from then on. Even though I could accept the fact that I wanted him, my stomach jumped at the thought of revealing my feelings to him. I had no idea how he would react. Would he feel the same? What if he didn't, would it ruin our friendship? I pushed my cluttred thoughts away and looked around the mass of people. My eyes fell on a tall, dark haired boy. I felt my face light up at the sight of him. He stood, still scanning the crowd. His soft brown eyes waded through the people as he rested his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. His eyes found mine and I ran forward to greet him.

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