Your POV

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Walking up hard wood stairs in fluffy socks is no small feat, especially after a glass of wine. I grasped the railing desperately, despite knowing Rem was behind me to catch me if I fell. I was almost tempted to make a wrong step. I rounded the corner and opened the door to my room, with Remington following close behind.
"Shit, the air isn't working in here!" He exclaimed shortly after passing through the doorway. He placed his hand on his forehead. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or not.
"Hey it's fine! My apartment has the worst air, I'm sure I'll be fine!" I laughed it off. I was actually okay spending the night in the hot room, but I would always take a second option.
"No no no, seriously. It gets way too hot in here. Even sleeping naked with the windows open, you might still boil." I saw his face contort a bit after the comment. Oh I wonder what could have made him do that. Certainly not the thought of me naked, right? Gosh that would be the exact opposite of what I want.
"If you want, you can share my room tonight? I have a couch if you don't wanna share a bed, but it's up to you." Remington stuttered through his words, and combed his black hair with a bony hand. He really was attractive. I thought for a moment about the offer, having a pretty good idea where this would lead.
"Sure, if you're offering! I'm a good roommate I promise!" It took a lot to hide the nervous edge to my voice. This was happening. Wow.
"Great! I mean, cool, let's get your stuff over there." We each grabbed a bag from my mismatched luggage set and walked to his room. It was a cool room. It was decorated as if it was shared by a classic geek kid and a vampire. Various band posters covered the white walls, with equally as much Harry Potter mercy mixed in. His large bed was unmade, grey sheets tangled in with a black comforter. I set my bag at the foot of the previously mentioned couch and looked around.
"Remington Leith, you make a pretty solid interior decorator."
"Sorry it's all a mess, I haven't figured out a solid theme yet." He laughter while looking around.
"So, do you want the couch, or wanna share the bed? It's a pretty big bed so I think we will be fine."
"Sure, let's share. I don't mind being a little close." My joke was less of a joke and more of a deep desire in my soul. Jesus, what was this boy doing to me?
"Oh, okay! Cool, yea, Uh we can totally do that!" He seemed caught off guard. It was cute.
"Well I have to take a shower, I think I have pizza roll in my hair." I patted the side of my head softly, indeed searching for bits of pizza. Attractive, right?
"Yea there is some. But hey, no one can pull it off like you!" I really loved joking around with him. I felt like I could just say whatever I wanted, and he would always have a good response.
"Well the shower is in that bathroom right there. I'm just gonna hang out in here and maybe, actually definitely clean this place up." Rem pointed to the attached bathroom, and then swept his arm around the room, emphasizing the mess. I thanked him and collected my change of clothes.

I locked the bathroom door behind me, and took a deep, yet quiet, breath. Just to recap, I was now not just sharing a room, but a bed, with the guy I had a massive crush on. Not to mention when I half jokingly said I would kiss him earlier. This was a dream come true, but it was also terrifying. Oh god.

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