Still Remington's POV

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We walked up to my house, and the door was open before I could even reach for the handle. I had told my brothers how excited I was about my special guest, and I knew that they would delight themselves with teasing me about my crush for the entirety of the visit. Sebastian steppes forward, holding a dainty drink in his hand.
"Took you long enough, Rem. We were keeping bets." Sebastian gracefully swung his hand back and gestured to the boy behind him, Emerson. I had no idea what they meant by 'keeping bets' but I had the notion that the bets were a little less than pg.
"Y/n! So nice to finally meet you, I'm Emerson. I've heard loads about you." Emerson reached his sharpie stained hand forward to meet y/n's.
"All good things I hope?" She laughed as she shook his hand.
"Of course, Rem has nothing but nice things to say!" Sebastian giggled and elbowed me in the side. I felt a deep blush spread my face, remembering some of the things I had shared with my brothers during our drunken late night conversations.
"Yes yes I love to compliment, now move your asses and let us inside!" I felt y/n giggle as she grabbed her bags and followed me through the door.

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