Your POV

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Remington's house was stunning. I walked through the door, dragging my heavy bags behind me, my eyes wandered around the house. It appeared to have been cleaned for company, however, it was still apparent that the house was occupied by musicians and artists. From only a few feet past the threshold of the heavy front door, I had already spotted 3 sketchbooks tossed with care in various corners of the house, a large, half finished mural depicting intricate Victorian buildings, countless guitar picks, and a freshly opened bag of Reese's. I laughed gently to myself, realizing that this was almost exactly how I had pictured Remington living.

"So y/n, what do you thing of the house?" Emerson piped up behind me. I dropped the handle of my red suitcase and spun around to meet his face.

"I love it! Certainly a good change from my apartment." I joked with the brothers. Rem walked in front of me and grabbed my bags.

"Let me get these for you, follow me and I can show you the guest room." I followed him eagerly up the stairs, stealing glances of the rest of the house.

"Your brothers seem great, its amazing that you all get along so well." I began conversation, really just wanting to hear his sweet voice,

"Oh yea, there great most of the time, but just like with all siblings they get to be a pain in the ass from time to time. They love to tease me, hell, there gonna end up teasing me the entire time you're here!" Rem spoke, freezing his breath at the end of his sentence.

"Oh really, why is that?" I had a good feeling I knew why they would tease him over me, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I watched as he gently tensed his muscles under his shirt and turn a corner.

"Cause brothers make fun of each other for everything, they don't need a reason, it's an art form, really. This is your room." Remington stopped in the hallway and kicked open a door. The room was simple, with a queen sized bed and small closet. Dark grey curtains veiled the large windows, complimenting the fiery red bed set. I took my bags from him and placed them on the leather arm chair in the shadow soaked corner.

"Sorry its a little small." Rem said sheepishly and folded his hands behind his back. I turned to look at him, and couldn't help but smile.

"I don't mind, you're letting me stay, so I can't complain." I could feel my cheeks getting hot the longer our eyes were connected. He was beautiful. Wild black hair stuck up from every inch of his head, perfect cheekbones, and soft looking lips that carried with them the biggest smile.

"And if you need anything, anything at all, my room is right across the hall." The tall boy informed me, and to my surprise, he punctuated his words with a playful wink. I felt myself blushing like a damn schoolgirl and playing cool was far out of my reach. My mind directed my eyes to his lips one last time, and I was overcome with the desire to be pinned into the wall by the boy I considered one of my closest friends.

"Come now, you look like you need a drink." he said, blushing almost as deeply as I was. My stomach jumped at the realization that I wanted him so badly, and I could tell that he wanted me the same. We hurried to the kitchen, where Sebastian and Emerson were already sharing stories over a bottle of gin.

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