» twenty-eight: the elusiveness of normalcy

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The conversation with Sadie had helped Holly make up her mind too.

She was discharged two days later from the hospital, and the first words that tumbled out of her mouth when she saw her parents was: "I want to press charges."

Her parents looked at each other, then back at her. Then back at each other.

They sat down in the living room, and for once, ESPN was not on.

Only the clock on the wall made any sound.





"What?" Holly said finally, unable to bear the silence.

"We don't think that's a good idea, sweetie," her mom said, using the collective we as if the two of them had discussed this previously.

"Why not?"

"It would put a lot of stress and pressure on you, and that wouldn't be a good idea, considering..."

"Considering what?"

Her parents exchanged another look.

"Considering what you've been through," her dad said, picking up the slack. "You wouldn't be able to move on with your life if you file charges, because these cases can sometimes take over a year from start to finish. We just want you to be healthy and happy, Holly, and getting involved in this drawn out process just doesn't seem like a good idea."

"But I feel even worse, knowing that he's still out there. And I don't think I'm going to be his last victim."

A shadow passed over her mom's face at the word victim, and her parents exchanged another look.


The secret glances were really starting to piss Holly off.

"Are you sure you aren't being a bit...rash, sweetie?"

Her mom peered into her face, then reached out to tuck a stray piece of hair away from Holly's face.

"No, I've thought this through, and me and Sadie talked about it extensively. We don't want Rohan to...just...get away with what he's done, or will do."

Another look exchanged between the two of them.

"Well, maybe you should talk to someone else before making your decision," her dad said finally.

"Like who?"

"Dr. Inho is excellent at she does and she's treated many...ah...situations like yours. I think maybe she would be able to help you."

Holly blinked, then pinched herself to make sure she was hearing correctly.

"Wait, hold on. You want me to see a shrink?"

"Don't say it like that, sweetie," her mom said. It was like her parents were passing some kind of baton: it's your turn to talk to our irrational daughter who apparently has the memory and intelligence level of a goldfish. "She's a highly trained therapist, and we think maybe there are some things that you'd want to talk out about...how you feel, or how you felt, or even what actions you want to take from here on out. Maybe...maybe you're just feeling confused after everything that's happened."

Holly huffed and stood up. "I am not confused! In fact, I've never felt more sure of what I want to do. I want to make there isn't another victim, Mom! Really. I know what I did was stupid, but there's nothing wrong with me. Really."

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