Chapter 7

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The stadium was filled with screams and noise, ear drums aching for silence. The band was on a break for an hour and we were incredibly hungry and thirsty.

With so much crowd we had to stand and eat wherever possible, luckily we found a table.

We sat down to eat. Lasagna; on seeing it tummy grumbled.

Opposite to us two Australian guys showed up. I and Naksh were too indulged in taking selfies that we hardly noticed. As we finally gave up and started eating.

One of the guy's spoke,

“So, great concert eh mate? Ryan is on fire…”

Naksh could never stop showing off people how he was crazily hung over 1R. He started telling them 1R’s history that one of the guys almost fell asleep. I nudged him to shut up.

“You guys together?” one of them asked.

“Yes, she’s my gmtbf…”mouth filled with food.

The guy stared quizzled so did I.

“Ha ha…whats gmtbf?”  I asked

“Girl More Than Best Friend..or….giga-mega-tera-byte friend.”

I stared at him in disbelief.

One of the Australian guys looked at me.

“Just a random guy sharing apartment with me…” I flinched.

“Oh really, do you have more rooms? We are looking for a place to stay. By the way I am smith and he’s Daniel.”

“Sure, we would love more company…” I say

“Oh that’s great. How about you give your number and we’ll come by and have a look tomorrow..”

“Ofcr….” splash a pitcher of water is thrown over me by Naksh.

“Bloody hell!!!” I scream “What are you doing???”

“I am just a random guy???”

“You pronounced me with alphabets. What on earth was that??” and we started pushing each other and fighting like kids.

In a normal place this would have been pretty weird, but here there were more gruesome fights to be encountered.

After the concert, we both take a cab. Absolute silence on the way home. We separate to each other’s rooms without even bidding goodnight.

Around 2oclock mid-night, Naksh wakes up only to find the front door open and me missing from my room.

He calls around 5 times and panics.
He sees a note on the coffee table.

‘Up on terrace, don’t search for me’

“What are you doing here” he asks startling me

“Why do you care, go find some random alphabets to talk to...”

“Will you let go already? What are you doing here?”

“It’s going to snow.”

“You should have been born a dog, how do you sense that?”

And the first snow falls. Things that fascinate me!  Moon, Snow and animals.

“You know what would be nice now?” He asks without moving his eyes off the sky.

“Hot chocolate” we both sigh.

“And made by you,” I budge in, so that he doesn’t ask me to do that.
We both laugh.

Finally winter was here. Covering Eiffel in pretty sheets of white.

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