06 | inconsistencies

689 7 1

June 2, 2017

TWO weeks without communication or her touch had made the man stir-crazy. He hated to admit it but the feeling of her presence was intoxicating. The soft curves of her body, plump lips, and green eyes consumed his mind when he was home in Dawsonville. His own mother had noticed the distant stare he often held, but he refused to speak of her. Just mentioning her name had him shifting on the spot.

Luckily for him he had been invited out by Ryan and Bubba for drinks while they were in Dover. He needed something to distract his thoughts, yet as he entered the building his relaxed attitude disappeared. They had invited him to another dancehall. Running an uneasy hand through his hair he met his friends at their table. Instantly a drink was shoved in his fingers and he didn't hesitate to throw it back.

As he set the empty glass down a familiar voice filled his ears. "Ready for that dance, Blaney?" Chase watched as his best friend swiftly walked away and laced his fingers with hers. The frustrated sigh that escaped his tense body went unnoticed as Bubba was busy talking with his girlfriend. Vivienne's appearance only added to the struggling boy's mood.

She knew he would show up to be with his boys but she could care less. He hadn't bothered to seek her out after what had happened between the two of them. It's not like he couldn't fill his time with the desperate girls that worshiped every step he took. The feeling of hands sliding past her lower back gained her attention. Raising an eyebrow at the blue-eyed boy who embraced her body she was met with a teasing smile.

"Problem, miss?" Biting her lip at his husky voice she shrugged her shoulders. Swaying to the beat that echoed throughout she gently moved his hands back to her waist. Ryan chuckled as her eyes mirrored the true meaning behind her words. "Look but don't touch." The implication of what occurred between her and Chase caused the curly-haired driver to politely nod.

He was about to apologize when his friend's presence caused him to clear his throat. Stepping away from his dance partner he nodded over her shoulder. Vivienne turned around to glance at the southern man curiously. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. His voice wavered slightly as he took in every inch of her figure; her lips glistened with gloss. Accepting the familiar hand she intertwined their fingers and followed him outside.

As soon as they rounded the corner to the parking lot he had her pressed against his truck. Their bodies molded together as his hands gripped onto her hips and her fingers played with his hair. The smirk that adorned his lips was wiped away when she asked, "Why do you want me all of a sudden?" Chase's figure stilled at the brutal question. It was something he didn't even know the answer to.

The silence of the night had become awkward as he attempted to think of something, anything to say. "I missed you." He nervously replied. Stepping away from her warmth he rubbed at his face in annoyance. Cursing himself for acting so ignorant he chose to be honest. "I know you can't always be around."

Her face furrowed in confusion; he confessed to missing her and lying at the same time. "Are you saying that I'm just some game?" As she waited for him to deny the accusation her temper grew. The never-ending silence hit the strings of her heart. "You know, we aren't together but I would never do that to you. I respected you."

Frustratingly combing through her hair she stared at Chase's dejected expression. Rolling her eyes, she pointed at his face. "Don't give me that fake bullshit. If you were truly sorry you wouldn't have even done that." Striding past his tense figure she was stopped by his grasp on her waist.

"Don't touch m-" but she was interrupted by his lips. As she gripped his neck she felt herself relax at his touch; her mind still processing what was happening. His hands slipped into her back pockets as he pulled her closer, but Vivienne angrily shoved him away. Nothing was to be said as the sound of her hand smacking into his face echoed throughout the parking lot.

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