07 | play to lose

592 8 3

June 12, 2017

POCONO had been filled with endless surprises just like the weekend previous. Vivienne had arrived to work like any other day ready to introduce the drivers and meet the winner at the end. When she recognized the Wood Brothers car pulling onto the checkered stage a whirlwind of emotions consumed her mind. She failed to hide her tears as he stood from his car in joy; the moment too pure.

To NASCAR's dismay the cameras had captured the moment the rookie embraced the girl and spun her around excitedly. The pair were laughing and smiling as she rowdily pumped her fist causing his crew to cheer louder. Wiping away the tears as he set her down she stepped away to allow the media their interviews. For once her smile was genuine as she stood in the background.

Everything that had happened yesterday led to an even bigger celebration now being held at the Earnhardt's. The green-eyed girl was dancing with Amanda when a hand slid around her waist. A grin graced both of their faces as the presence standing behind Vivienne was obvious. Leaning against his chest she continued to sway to the music echoing throughout the basement.

"You look beautiful tonight." He whispered in her ear. Amanda didn't hear what he had said to her but the blush that spread across her cheeks was enough. Winking at her friend she left to join Bubba by the bar; they were too preoccupied to realize she abandoned them. The glow they shared was contrasted by alcohol and authentic happiness.

Ryan's hands fearlessly skimmed across her back before she gently moved them away. The smile that adorned his lips grew as she teased, "You're so drunk." Her laugh blessed his ears and he couldn't help but bite his lip. Vivienne's thumb caressed his knuckles as his blue-eyes rolled. "Maybe he shouldn't let you out like this, alone."

Raising an eyebrow at his suggestion she sighed. It's not like she was dressed as provocative as before. In fact, she was in skinny jeans and a Wood Brothers t-shirt like every other guest at his party. "I'm a woman first and a girlfriend second. Luckily for you the latter doesn't apply." Pushing fallen strands out of her face she glanced at the surprised driver; his eyes held admiration.

Their friendship always had an underlying vibe that few recognized. Standing in front of Ryan's wandering gaze she felt him pull her closer. His hands squeezed her waist as she questioned his sudden possessiveness. As she went to look behind her his voice stopped her, "Chase is here." The driver felt the uneasiness in her body and embraced his friend.

Vivienne layed on his shoulder and spoke apatheticly, "It's okay- he's used to losing." The silence that followed her comment was interrupted by his loud laugh filling the room. She couldn't resist smiling at his buzzed state and turned to find Chase glaring. Biting her lip at the truthful insult she winked his way. His jaw flexed as he noticed Ryan's hand sitting in her back pocket.

"She was never yours." A boastful voice pitched. The Georgian driver twisted in his seat to see Amanda rolling her eyes. Bubba's girlfriend was normally quiet but ever since the night in Dover she couldn't hold back her irritation for the driver. Chase was confused and slightly annoyed with her confidence in their situation.

Sipping on a beer, she nonchalantly waved her hand before setting it on the counter. Amanda peered at his impatient expression; his jaw was still tight. "We know what you've been up to in Georgia." Casually she up and left to join her boyfriend across the room leaving him shocked. Vivienne watched the scene unfold and turned back to hide the hurt in Ryan's neck.

As he crossed the basement he realized he had to pass them to get upstairs. To him they seemed infatuated with one another and he took the opportunity to exit. Stepping onto the staircase he was stopped by her somber voice. "At least you warned me, right?"

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