15 | take care

720 12 4

November 30, 2017

HIS delicate fingertips danced across her ankle causing goosebumps to rise. The straps of her heels wrapping around the tan skin of her exposed leg; teasingly he trailed up her calf. Biting her burgundy-stained lip she pushed him away with the edge of her shoe. "Are you sure you want to wear these?"

The naughty smile he displayed had her eyes glimmering with desire. Standing from the leather seat Vivienne intertwined their fingers and pulled him closer. "I think that's the least of my worries right now." Her dress matched his suit, but the fact that she was revealing her pregnancy through it tonight had her on edge. Anxiously she set her hand atop of the ever-growing swell.

Ryan's eyes failed to hide the admiration for her strength and persistence in exposing herself, alone. He had asked her to accompany him to the banquet to protect her from the harsh media that followed with her job title. Sighing, he caressed her stomach over the tight fabric that presented her child. "Meet me after?"

Agreeing to his request, she kissed his cheek. Sauntering toward the entrance of the red carpet she gave him one last smile before entering. His heart leaped at her beauty-- physically and mentally. Ryan wanted nothing but the best for his friend and her child, yet with everything that had happened so far he didn't know how it would all play out.

Vivienne adjusted the train of her dress at an angle that highlighted every curve of her body. She awarded the cameras her flirty smirk as her hand halted at the bottom of her abdomen. The synchronized gasps of the media and others standing further down the line had her grinning. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a lonesome man stepping into the room.

A reporter ushered her forward as others scrambled to record the awaiting interview. She recognized the tender smile of Kim Coon; the woman had given her many helpful tips on working in the sport as a trophy girl. "Kim Coon with MRN, congratulations on your pregnancy! When can we be expecting the little one's arrival?" The genuine tone eased the pace of her racing heartbeat.

Blushing, she answered "We're due early February. Hopefully after we can slowly start to make our way back to the track." Her hand gently smoothed over her dress as the baby rustled around before kicking. It had been happening for two months now but each time it still took her breath away. "Is there any way we could get a hint on the gender?"

The teasing smile that graced her lips was followed by an apology and shrug. Kim nodded in understanding and turned to interview a stunned Chase Elliott next. He didn't know she was announcing their secret tonight, yet he was thankful for the distraction from his troubled thoughts. As she ended her tenure of the celebrity carpet, his heart dropped as she was welcomed into the arms of his best friend.

Ryan's hand rested in the arch of her back as they walked toward the entry of the dining hall. She had handled herself so elegantly that her aura was one with bliss. Clearing his throat, he glanced back at his friend. "Taylor left him." Vivienne stumbled in her heels as the news he spoke was ironic and enlightening. Chase had finally received the treatment he deserved.

"She said he was distant and lyi-" but he was interrupted by her fingers sternly turning his face toward hers. Her green eyes were embalmed with tranquility, but underneath he could sense the fire. "Good for her. Now let me celebrate my freedom with you tonight." She chided. Ryan's cheeks flushed at her assertiveness resulting in a tender brush of her thumbs.

As they took their seats at the rounded table she realized they were sitting next to the Earnhardt's. Amy's motherly gaze was joyful and humorous as she noticed the flustered boy sitting next to Vivienne. "What did you do to him? He's blushing like a schoolboy." Smiling, she was cut off by Dale's laughter. Ryan whined their teasing; he knew they meant well but he hated being center of attention.

Resting her head along his shoulder she felt his hand settle along her belly. Although she was carrying Chase's child, her date was more qualified as a provider and protector than her baby daddy could ever be. Ryan had been to every appointment since the gender reveal; he even set up the nursery in her home. Secretly they both loved it, but chose to ignore it as the baby was their main focus.

Chase watched from his seat as she cuddled into his best friend's side. She seemed so comfortable with his touch- something he lacked. The heartache he felt doubled as he noticed their hands resting together on her stomach. Looking away, he opted to distract himself with the presence of alcohol and impersonal conversations.

What goes around comes back around.

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