Worst Percy Jackson Fanfiction On Wattpad

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Today was NOT what I was expecting. The minute I woke up, I could tell it was going to be deadly, dangerous, and just plain awesome.
Hello. My name is Luna Hunter.
As I got ready, throwing on my camp t-shirt and brushing my gorgeous gold hair, I stared at my unnatural silver eyes, which gleamed against my flawless pale skin and contrasted with my amazing freckles.
I put my hands on my size zero waist, putting down the brush and sizing myself up. I wondered when I had insulted Aphrodite, because I looked like a bunch of trash. No wonder I have no uses except cooking, fighting, drawing, music, pranking, singing, reading, being smart, cleaning cabins, designing fashion, and rock climbing.
The worst part, is I'm a daughter of Artemis. Yes, the maiden goddess. I should have never been born, but yet I'm here, with everything and everyone in the godly universe out to kill me. I was also blessed by all the gods, so I was super powerful. I can control all the elements, turn invisible, have telekenisis, read minds, control electricity, and turn into a Swiss Army knife at will.
"LUNA!" A voice called, knocking on my cabin door. It was my friend, Tamy. She's a daughter of Hectate and Hades but she was made into a demigod. She's also blessed by all the gods.
Since everyone at camp ignores us, we aren't the most popular people. So we hang out.
I threw open the door.
"Ready for a normal o' day at camp?" I linked arms with her.
"Ready." We walked to breakfast in our camp shirts. I herd a couple 'Hey Luna, Hey Tamy's' but I'm sure it was in my head. No one talks to use here.
BTW we r allowed 2 sit wherever we want.
"Percy is kinda cute," Tamy whispered. Annabeth, the smartest girl and Percy's girlfriend was glaring at us.
"Why would ya say that? He's taken dumb dumb," I joked, chowing down on my breakfast.
"Cuz he's cute."
"Can I sit here?" Annabeth asked, glaring at us like the jealous girlfriend she always is.
"I though you were sitting with Percy?" I asked, kicking Tamy under the table.
"He was dyeing his food blue and talking about Finding Nemo and Bubble Guppies again."
"Yeah." Annabeth smiled for a minute and rolled her eyes. "Seaweed brain." Piper popped up from under the table, screaming at the top of her lungs.
"PERCEBETH!!" Then she proceeded to run around camp screaming. Totally normal for her to fangirl like that. She has an entire rainbow iPad, where she has files on all the couple she ships.
A shadow opened and out popped Nico Di Angelo. I had heard about him, he's a son of Hades and Tamy's brother. I have never met him though.
"Hey Luna, hey Tamy." He waved to us and sat down next to me. I have an endless crush on him.
"Hey Nico," Annabeth waved. She smirked, and left.
"Ya know I think I hear someone calling me," Tamy said, then she too left.
"Luna I need to tell you something," Nico said quietly. I turned to face him.
Then he kissed me.
"I like you."
"I like you too."

"MONSTER ATTACK ACTION AT THE BORDERS!!" A random voice screamed. Nico, Tamy, and I turned in shock, then brought out our weapons. Mine is a silvery bow that has an infinite number of arrows and can never miss it's target. Plus it can't break, it can't burn, and a whole bunch of other features I forgot. It's called Star.
I shot down a bunch of hell hounds that somehow crossed the border, while Nico slashed through a wave of hydras.
I saw a silvery woman who called me forward. It was my mother, Artemis.
"Luna, you will go on a quest with the seven and Tamy."
"But- what so I need to go on a quest for?"
"A fan what?" Someone muttered. Everyone shrugged.
"I accept."
Then I blacked out.
When I woke up, I was soaking wet. Percy had dumped some water on me from the lake.
"Annnniiiieeeee," he whined, "I want my cookie now!" Annabeth scrambled to get out a blue cookie and a juice box and handed it to Percy.
Suddenly I was magically dry and we all skipped away from the dining pavilion.
I was so excited to go on a quest with the seven, Tamy, Nico, and Bob the Builder even though only 3 should go on a quest.
"My stuff is packed!" We all happily said, marching up half-blood hill. Somehow Thalia was there to, even though she was with the Hunters a second ago.
"Wait," Annabeth said, picking her fingernails with her knife, "how are we going to get there?"
The group offered no help. Percy was running around chasing blue butterflies, Jason was being how he his; as emotionless as a brick, and Piper was frantically typing up a new Frazel fan fiction.
Speaking of Frazel, Hazel was playing with gems, Frank turned into a dog and snuggled in Hazel's lap, and Tamy and Leo were making out.
Not that that fazed me, I mean they met ten seconds ago so that's a totally expectable for kissing.
Nico was crying on the floor about how broken he was. Thalia was shooting stuff.
Yup, totally normal.
Artemis appeared again. "Haha, so I like totally forgot to give you supplies and transportation. Oh well, here's a bunch of unicorns, Luna gets the rainbow one named Butterscotch. Oh and here are some awesome gifts. Backpacks that never run out of what you need, a laptop, a car, shoes, a pool noodle, and a bunch of other stuff lol. Oh and Nico I totally approve of you going out with my daughter. Haha lol ttyl BAH!!"
Then she disappeared into a pile of stars.
Seconds later, tons of presents fell from the sky, crushing me. But, ya know, I jumped out without any problem, cuz I'm and immortal ninja like that.
We unwrapped the presents, them being the unlimited backpacks, a fireproof saddle for Leo, and a locket for Tamy. I looked down sadly. My mom hated me.
Soon we got on our pega- I mean unicorns, and Frank, Hazel, Bob the Builder, and Jason all disappeared because they're not important.
"Come on Butterscotch!" I yelled, as we set off to start out quests. Suddenly a girl with an eyepatch rose up from the clouds on a bright blue dragon. Percy tried to walk towards it but fell off his unicorn, plummeting to the ground. Annabeth screamed and there was nothing we could do because Jason had disappeared from the story.
"Who are you?" Nico asked, standing up and taking his sword out to protect me. I have such an amazing boyfriend.
"My name is Meg," the girl with the eyepatch said. She narrowed her eyes at me and pulled out a bronze bow. "And for some reason I really hate you."
"Who me?" I asked, taking out my own bow. She nodded, and shot me in the heart. Everyone gasped and I pulled the arrow out and the wound instantly healed cuz again, I'm a freaking immortal ninja like that.
I shot a couple arrows and she dodged them. How we were all doing this on the backs of unicorns I have no idea.
"Your so ugly!" Meg screamed. I dropped my bow and sobbed into Nico's shoulder because it was true.
Nothing seemed to kill this lady. Or me. I had at least a dozen arrows sticking out but no blood because blood is gross.
Then Tamy stabbed Meg from behind and she died. Then Leo and Tamy had an epic kissing session as Nico made out with me.
Then we all rode off into the sun set on our peagusi.
"Wait where are we even going?" Piper asked, fangirling about Tamy and Leo. Annabeth was still sobbing over Percy.
"I have no idea," Leo replied, "hey do you wanna go out on a date, Tamy?" Tamy nodded, and they started kissing again.
"Maybe we need to follow the yellow brick road," Nico supplied. We all stared at him like he was crazy. Then he started bawling about how we don't understand him. My poor baby.
"To McDonalds?" I asked. They all shrugged.
"TO MCDONALDS!!" Was our battle cry. But soon there was a blood curling scream and Piper was eaten by Meg's dragon. I shot the dragon in the eye and he promptly died. Annabeth stopped crying and turned to me.
"This is all your fault! Y-you murdered them!!"
"I'm sorry."
"Fine I forgive you. I still hate you though because that's the kind of edgy person I am."
Now we are headed to McDonalds...
When we touched down, we all ordered burgers and fries and sat together.
Suddenly Percy stumbled into the cafe, bloody and holding Riptide. I could tell, from the look in his eyes, he was broken.
"Annie..." he coughed. Suddenly his sea green eyes became a gold color and he swung Riptide at us. We dodged, and the blade bit into the table. He continued attacking us without the mortals noticing. I ran to the back, and he vaulted over a table to get to me, holding the blade against my throat.
"End of the line," he hissed. There was a loud CLUNK sound and Percy's eyes rolled up into his head as he was knocked out cold. Annabeth stood over him with the plastic tray she used to knock him out.
"Not my friend!" She screamed at her boyfriend
"Oh my GODS!" I screamed, "thank you for that!"
"There's something I wanted to tell you," Percy said. The tray had taken away whatever the glowing eye thing was. "You're my sister." Then he closed his eyes and died. For the second time. I was shocked.
Percy was my... brother?

We decided not to stay at McDonalds much longer, and headed out to continue our quest.
We figured out that our quest was to stop Chaos and his army, lead by someone named OmegaWaveTridentOne. What a cra-cra name.
Suddenly Annabeth was suck into a glowing portal which appeared out of nowhere and didn't suck anything in it except Annabeth.
"No!" Piper cried even though I was pretty sure I had seen her being eaten by a dragon an hour ago.
We shrugged and continued on, while Piper desperately tried to update her Percebeth fanfictions.
"Wait!" I stopped, making all of the group bump into me in a domino effect. "I just remembered I have a GPS tracker on my laptop!" I pulled my monster-proof, unlimited highspeed wifi laptop out of my backpack, as well as a cupcake to munch on. Nom nom nom.
"Here!" I cried, pointing to a little dot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, "this is where Percy and Annabeth are!"
Everyone triumphantly got on their unicorns and we rode towards the island, not bothering to think how stalkerish it was the I could track Percy and Annabeth.
When we got to the island, Leo let out a strangled gasp. There was someone we never thought we would see again.
"Leo," she smiled brightly, rushing to hug him, "you came back!" Tamy shadow traveled over to her and stood between Callie and her boyfriend.
"Not on my watch sista!"
Calypso frowned. "You-you are dating someone else?" Then she proceeded to go on a murderous rampage, even though we came to help. She stabbed Leo in the gut with a knife, he colapsed, dieing.
"Hey!" a new voice called. A guy with silver and blue armor and a hood pulled over his face stepped out, a glowing bronze sword that looked an awful lot like Riptide strapped to his side. He threw the sword, which went through Calypso and she disappeared into dust, even though I was pretty sure she was an immortal goddess.
"Who are you?" Nico asked.
"Commander WaveHurricaneOmegaTrident," he replied.
"I thought it was OmegaWaveTridentOne," Tamy whispered.
"Lieutenant OwlFeather!" WaveHuriicaneOmegaTrident/OmegaWaveTridentOne called.
They whipped off their masks to reveal....
Percy and Annabeth?!
"Guys!" I cried.
"PERCEBETH!!" Piper screamed.
"We'd like to introduce you to our latest recruits," Percy replied, making way for five guys. "This is, Carrot, Curly, Tatooes, I forget, and someone else."
They whipped off their masks and I couldn't believe my eyes.
One Direction were demigods?!

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