#3: The Test

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"don't judge a book by its cover because once you know the story, you just might regret not reading it"


It was around 5:00 A.M. and the two members of team seven were waiting for the last member and their sensei.

Sakura and sasuke were talking,well,more like sakura fangirling over sasuke and the boy ignoring her.While they were having these moments,one of their teamate was actually suffering right now, although they were ignorant of his situation.


Naruto was walking down the path to training grounds 7 with slightly noticable scratches for they were already healed due to his quick healing ability and the kyuubi's chakra.

He was walking away from the alley he got stopped on.He knew he should have just sticked to the shadows when going to the training gronds or anywhere for the matter.He just maybe had a little hope that they would not torture him this time,sadly that hope was crushed the instant he went into the view of the villagers.

Now he was walking,or rather, limping to his destination blending in with the shadows once more.

Once he cought a glimpse of a blob of pink and black,he immediately straightened up and started running to his new teammates.

Sakura saw him first and smacked him upside the head while sasuke just 'hn'ed,"Your late naruto-baka!"sakura said while putting her hands on her waist.

"ahh,gomen,gomen its just that I got stopped on the way here"naruto said while rubbing the back of his head because that is the exact same spot that some random drunk ninja stabed him with a kunai earlier and its taking a while to heal,he doesn't know why though...

"ha,yeah right"sasuke decided to say sarcasm evident in his voice. "Yeah, teme!" naruto shouted seemingly annoyed at sasuke.Sasuke just rolled his eyes as sakura screamed at him for insulting her 'sasuke-kun'

"sasuke-kun,more like sasugay-chan!" naruto commented after getting tired of sakura's blabing, sasuke grew a tic mark and thats how a argument started with the whole team.

Kakashi just sat in a nearby tree, he had put a genjutsu on his hair to make ot look normal, as he looks at his soon-to-be-if-they-passed-the-test team with a deadpan look.They are really troublesome,out of all the teams he has encountered he hopes that this one surely fails.

Then after a minute or so of arguing with the rest of his new team,naruto turned to the tree kakashi is in and said in a bored tone,"sensei,im getting bored,come down here now" by the end of it kakashi could only keep his mouth open,did he just find a jounin and threaten him even though he was sure he was masking his chakra.

Kakashi should be angry right now at this insolent brat, but he wasn't, he didnt know why but he felt no anger or annoyance towards him,only the need to follow him. So as his gut told him, he followed and hopped down the tree. The biggest mistake he could have done.

Once his feet touched the ground, he was suddenly hit by a wave of pain that could only be explained as torture. Kakashi screamed in pain and slowly got to his knees while panting. It felt like kunai were being stabbed everywhere as he was skinned alive, his throat hurt from screaming but the pain was unbearable, his insides were also suffering like his ribcage just got smashed and his internal organs are being ripped out of his very being right this instant. The most pain was at the back of his head.

His students were shocked to see a jounin scream in pain, well, all except naruto. He froze for a fraction of a second before seeing the barely noticable mark that covered all of his skin. The mark was the same color as his skin and was only slightly darker, only the most trained eyes could see, luckily, he is one of those people.

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