Evolution of the Daleks

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"These humans will become like me," Sec ordered. "Prepare them for hybridization!"

The Doctor looked around worriedly as the pig men approached. Martha started actually screaming and trying to wrench herself away, just like Frank, except she was much more violent. "Leave me alone!" she shouted. "Don’t you dare!"

All of a sudden, music started playing, and the Doctor grinned and started bopping his head to the song "Happy Days Are Here Again." Sec looked around in confusion. "What is that sound?"

"Ah, well!" Jessie poked her head around one of the columns and grinned like a mad woman, raising the radio and shaking it. "That would be me!" She set it down and began snapping her fingers, doing some sort of little shuffle on the spot before waving. "Hello! Surprise! Boo! Et cetera."

"Who are you?" Sec demanded.

She grinned. "Oh, I’m the Bad Wolf. Name sound familiar?"

Sec narrowed his eye. "You are the murderer of the Emperor!"

"Surprise!" Jessie whooped.

"And now you’re scared," the Doctor finally interrupted, walking forward as well, still bopping his head to the music. "Mind if I cut in?"

Jessie grinned and bowed with a mock flourish. "You may."

"Doctor!" Sec gasped.

"The enemy of the Daleks!" another Dalek shouted.


"Wait!" Sec ordered.

The Doctor stepped forward, Jessie still shimmying behind him, and he tried to ignore her. "Well, then, a new form of Dalek," he mused. "Fascinating and very clever."

"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter," Sec informed him.

"How did you end up in 1930?"

"Emergency temporal shift."

"Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, huh?" the Doctor stood straighter. "Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world, but instead you’re skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. All of which reults in you."

"I am Dalek in human form," Sec stated.

"What does it feel like?" the Doctor asked. "You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. You can talk to me and the Bad Wolf. It is Dalek Sec, isn’t it? That’s your name. You’ve got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you’re thinking right now."

"I feel . . . humanity," Sec breathed, turning away.

"Good," Jessie encouraged, leaning against a column, still swaying. "That’s good."

"I feel everything we wanted from mankind. Which is ambition, hatred, aggression, and war. Such a genius for war."

The Doctor blinked. "That wasn’t what I expected."

"I know," Jessie replied.

"No, that’s not what humanity means," the Doctor told Sec.

"I think it does," Sec retorted. "At heart, this species is so very Dalek."

"Right, then," Jessie said loudly, straightening and walking back to her radio. "Tel me what you achieved, then, because of this ‘Final Experiment?’" She made quotation marks, then shook her head. "Nothing! Because I can show you what you’re missing with . . . " She patted the radio, beaming proudly. "This thing! A simple little radio."

"Be ready to run," she whispered in the Doctor’s head.

"What is the purpose of that device?" one of the Daleks asked.

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