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Trigger warning!

I was in my room, trying my best to take all of the anxiety and nervousness Thomas was feeling onto me. Apparently I wasn't doing a good job, because no matter how much panic and fear I could take, his mind still went blank.

He still forgot his lines.

And he still wouldn't get the role, even with the second chance the director gave him.

It wasn't my fault but-


But it didn't surprise me someone still thought it was.


Once I'd dealt with all the panic, fear and anxiety taken from Thomas, I quickly got up and fixed my makeup, to hide any trace of tears, before making my way towards the Control Room. I kind of wanted to avoid Princey coming to my room personally to tell at me.

As soon as I got to there, Pricey stormed up to me, his brown eyes flashing in anger, his hair disheveled by his fast movements. I flinched almost unnoticeably when he finally was in front of me.

"Why the heck did you do that?! He could have gotten the part and finally be back on stage, but NO, you just had to come and ruin everything as you always do!" He yelled, dramatically waving his hands around.

I just rolled my eyes, by that time almost completely unfazed by his raised voice. Key word, almost.

"Calm down, Prince-Not-So-Charming, I didn't do anything, hence as to why I was in my room." I replied trying not to let my voice crack.

As Roman was about to say something, Patton jumped in my defense, interrupting him.

"C'mon kiddo, calm down. He's right, he's been in his room the whole time, how could he do anything?" He said looking at Princey almost pleadingly.

"I am sorry, but I do have to agree with Patton on this one, Roman." Logan added while adjusting his glasses that were already perfectly fine.

This seemed to infuriate Princey even more and, as his face got redder and redder out of anger, he turned around to face Logic, still furiously waving his hands around.

"Oh, come on, Calculator Watch! You've said it yourself that even when we're not present we're always here to a degree!" He exclaimed before turning back towards me, ignoring Logan futile attempt at correcting him.

"You always do this, every time there's something big happening, you mess it up and then try to find an excuse as to why is not your fault! That's not how it works! You have to own up to your actions, you Incredible Sulk!"

"I do own up to my action unlike someone in this room, you moron! This is not my fault, so I'm not gonna blame myself for no reason at all!" I yelled back, sick of being the one that had to stay calm in the argument.

We went on and on, yelling back and forth at each other angrily, completely ignoring Dad's weak attempts at calming us down.

Then it happened.

"It's not my fault you're only useful when it comes to ruining things!" At this words I flinched slightly.

It was kind of true, I did ruin a lot of things in the past, after all I'm still Anxiety, but that was not all I did. And, for some reason, knowing he still thought that bad of me, even after what I did to help him... hurt a little bit. But I still shrugged it off. It was not the time to cry over myself.

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