Chapter 6

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It's Sunday and Dylan still hasn't called. I have no idea how long he's supposed to work for but, I'm getting anxious waiting. I talked to Leanne for an hour on the phone and she said that Parker returned from work over an hour ago. I'm not sure what to thing or what to do. Three hours go by and he still hasn't called. Wracked with worry, I call Leanne back.

"Have you or Parker heard anything from Dylan? I ask, as I sit and bite my nails with worry.

There is a long pause before Leanne answers me. My heart starts to race because I can sense that there's something wrong.

"Lex, I need to tell you something... but you have to promise me that you won't freak out."

"That depends on what it is." I say.

My imagination is running amok and I start to think that maybe Dylan changed his mind and doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

"Dylan's been in accident."

"What kind of accident? I ask, with panic in my voice.

"I don't know all the details but, he was on his way back from work when he was hit by a truck."

"How bad is it? Tell me the truth Leanne... please." I ask, now on the verge of tears.

"It's pretty bad Lex. He's in a coma."

There are no words for how I feel right now. How can this be happening? First, I lose Tripp and now I could lose Dylan. The Universe must hate me. I can hear Leanne on the other end asking if I'm still on the line. She keeps saying my name over and over. Regaining my composure, I answer her back.

"Yea... I'm still here. What hospital is he at?

"St. Matthews, room 242. Visiting hours start at four.

I glance at the clock, it's three thirty.

"Will you go with me?

"Parker and I will come get you in fifteen minutes."

"Ok, thanks."

I end the call and just sit steering off into space. I feel scared for Dylan and after everything that's happened to me over the last week; and now this, I'm raw inside. How am I supposed to see him all banged up? What if he's so mis figured that I don't even recognize him. I quickly shake off that thought, I can't think like that. I change into the Beyoncé shirt that Dylan bought me and a pair of sweats, I pull my hair up into a bun and start to wash my face when I break down. The tears are fresh and never ending. I glance at myself in the mirror and notice how red and blotchy my eyes are. I run cold water and splash it on my face, hoping to wash away the redness. I'm sure it doesn't matter, it's not like anyone will judge me for being an emotional wreck.

Parker pulls into the hospital parking lot and pays the two-dollar fee for temporary parking. I'm sitting in the backseat, trying not to lose it and avoiding Leanne who keeps looking back at me. We take the elevator up to the second floor and enter the ICU. There are a few nurses bustling around, treating their patients. When we get to Dylan's room, we pause before entering. An older couple, who I assume is Dylan's parents are standing over him. They look grief stricken, his dad has his arm wrapped around his mom and she is crying into his chest. His dad looks up and sees us and starts walking toward the door. He greets Parker and Leanne with a hug and Leanne introduces me.

"Mr. Cavanaugh, this is Lexi, she and Dylan are dating."

Mr. Cavanaugh and I shake hands. Our eyes meet, and there is pain there, I'm empathetic.

"Nice to meet you Lexi. I wish Dylan would have introduced us sooner, under these circumstances."

"I understand sir but, we just started dating." I say, tears rolling down my face.

All my emotions seem to be collecting and I'm about to burst. I excuse myself and head to the lady's room. I find an open stall and ball my eyes out like a little bitch. I can't do this, how am I meeting Dylan's parents for the first time? Why is this happening? I can't go back out there, it's too hard. I sit and contemplate whether I should wait in the stall until his parents have left. I hear the bathroom door open.

"Lex? Are you in here?

"Yea." I say sniffling.

"You need to come back out. Something's happening."

My heart flutters with hope and I jump up.

"What's going on? What's happening?

"You may need to prepare yourself." Leanne says, as she begins crying uncontrollably.

I open the door to the stall and Leanne is standing there, tears are streaming down her face. We hug and walk back toward Dylan's room. His parents are standing outside of his room, they look panicked. Doctors and nurses are flying in and out of his room in a hurry. Parker sees us, he looks forlorn. He walks over and hugs us both. A few minutes later, we're allowed to go back into Dylan's room. A nurse warns us that visiting hours will be over in fifteen minutes. Walking into the room, I see Dylan lying there lifeless and hooked up to machines that are helping him to breathe. I'm crying again as I walk over to the chair next to his bed and sit. He doesn't look that bad, there are a few scrapes on his face and a gash on his head but other than that he looks like he did last night before he left. I hold his hand and can feel his warmth. It's hard to believe this is happening, I feel like any moment he's going to open his eyes and say my name. Overcome with emotion, I lay my head on his hand and cry. Someone puts their hand on my shoulder but, I don't bother to see who it is because I don't care. I just want Dylan to wake up. A nurse comes in and warns us that we have five minutes left. I can't leave him, I need to be here.

"Wait! I yell to the nurse.

"Yes, Mrs."

"Is there any way I can stay here? Don't you have a cot or something, so I can be here with him."

She cocks her head and sighs. She seems sympathetic.

"Are you family? She asks, pointedly.

"I'm his... fiancé." I lie. Hoping that my lie will help convince her to let me stay.

"I'm sorry Mrs. But this is the ICU and only on rare occasions do we allow family to stay over."

I don't answer her, I feel too heart sick. I know she's just doing her job but, I want to yell at her. Tell her that I am family and that I have every right to be here with him.

"Visiting hours are over now." She says to all of us.

I don't want to let go of Dylan's hand. I feel like, if I stay here, he'll wake up. What if I leave and he doesn't make it. I kiss his hand and I'm about to walk away when I feel Dylan squeeze my hand.

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