The First Day

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Author note : Hello! Thank you for clicking on this! If you haven't watched "My Hero Academia" yet you really should. Anyway, I'm just letting you guys know that I'm not doing this EXACTLY like how it was in the anime, of course the characters are all the same its just different things will be happening and he will have a different quirk which causes him to be super athletic in everything to the point where he's super human and he could jump really high. Like SUPER high. WIZ KHALIFA HIGH. lol Edit : HOLY SHIZZ 200 PPL HAVE READ THIS WTF THANK YOU?!?!?! NANI?!!!

*Midoriya's POV*

I wake up to my mom shaking me violently "Izuku!! Wake up!!!" I turned my body around to face her, still half asleep. I still have my eyes closed and I still felt too tired 'Why is she waking me up so early? I feel way too tired to get up' I thought as I stuffed my head into my pillow. I rubbed my eyes and looked at her. " Come on, Izuku!!" She had this massive smile on her face and it made me feel warm inside. "Why are you waking me up so late?" I chuckled a little. I saw her eyes widen and she put her and onto her mouth.  "You don't remember? You got into UA and today's the first day!"

 My body sat up with shock and my eyes widened with excitement and I smiled as big as I possibly could. I went back down still smiling and I thought to myself 'YESSS! UA HERE I COME! This all feels like a dream!  I'm so happy!' I looked back to my mom and I saw tears forming into her eyes. " Mom? Are you-" before I could finish my sentence my mom grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight embrace. "I'm so happy for my Izuku! My little baby is growing up!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. She let me go after a few seconds of hugging and she wiped her tear stained face. "Now go get ready! You don't wanna be late on your first day now do you?" I nodded in response and got up. 

~Time Skip~

I hugged my mom goodbye and went out. 'OH MY LORD I'M ACTUALLY DOING THIS' I started to feel a smile coming but I shook my head to make it go away. 'I should keep a straight face in public when I'm walking alone.. Otherwise people will probably think I'm crazy' I giggle a little because of that stupid though I just had. I looked at my phone and saw the time. "I really need to hurry.. " I whispered to myself I was half running half walking, and not even after a few seconds I went straight to running...then it went to sprinting. 'I don't have that much time! I gotta use my quirk!' I thought. I started using my quirk and I got 100x quicker 'whew. I'll be good if I keep this up' I smiled and kept moving 

In the distance I could see Kacchan. "HEY KACCHAN!! BYE KACCHAN! " I said as I bolted past him. I noticed that I bumped into him without noticing so I turned my head to make sure he's okay. Then I realized I really screwed up. I saw his phone on the ground and his pissed off face "FUCKING DEKU!!" he yelled as loud as he possibly could and my mood went from happy to terrified. "Sorry!" I mouthed to him and I turned my head back to where I was heading. 

I got to the school and I stopped using my quirk and just sorta stood there. "Woah..... " I just took it all in and thought 'This school is MASSIVE' I felt my jaw drop and I didn't bother bringing it back up until I saw people giving me weird looks. I felt my freckled cheeks turn extremely red and I closed my mouth. I kept my head down and went inside. 

Thank you so so much for reading this! This is my first fanfic. If you feel like there's anything I need to do to improve on my writing please let me know! <3

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