Getting Tested.... For some reason?

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*Midoriya's POV*

I make my way to the rest of the class, half jogging. While Uraraka was behind me trying to catch up. When I got in front of the class they all turned around and stared at me. Uraraka finally caught up and put her hand on my shoulder with her other hand on her knee.
"I *huff* finally *huff* caught up to you! When did you get so fast?" She looked up at me and smiled with sweat rolling down her face. "I wasn't even going that fast!" "I'm sorry I'm not fast like you!" I laughed then I started digging in my pocket and handed her a napkin. "Here, for your face." She smiled and laughed "Well, geez. That's one way to say I'm ugly." She lightly punched my shoulder and laughed.

"Are you seriously gonna pretend nothing happened?!" Iida moved his arms up and down like a robot. "Huh?" I gave him a confused look then I realized everyone was looking at me with a mix of terrified and impressed.
Expect for Kacchan, of course. "Why are you all surprised?" Uraraka wasn't there to see what happened in the building. I was trying to hard not to laugh and almost everyone noticed. Expect for Uraraka and Kacchan. Uraraka, because she's extremely oblivious. And Kacchan, because he didn't care enough to notice.

Mina slowly walked to Uraraka and grabbed her shoulders "HOW. COME. YOU. DIDN'T. GO. WITH. HIMMMM!??? " She looked slightly mad. "YOU MISSED HIM RUNNING LIKE CRAZY AND OH MY GOD HE WAS SO FAST!" Uraraka turned to me, looked up and down and giggled "Are you sure we're thinking about the same Deku?" She said while pointing at me. I tried harder not to laugh but a small snicker came out. "What?" Uraraka turned to me again. "Oh, it's nothing!" I gave her a half smile, turned around and slowly walked away to the class and watched the rest of our classmates "fight."

nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh TIME SKIIPPPP

"Deku~kun?" I turned around slowly and smiled "Hm?"

"Go do five laps."

"Huh?! Why?!"

She looked at me and crossed her arms "I wanna see if was Mina lying."

I shrugged "Okay." 'I think I know a way to surprise her' I felt a smile go on my face and I laughed. "Pfftt" I quickly covered my mouth and smiled. "Where do I do five laps tho? " She put her hand under her chin "Hmm....How about around the whole class... if everyone cooperates.. " She made a quick glare at Kacchan knowing he's probably not gonna cooperate with her because from what little time she's known Kacchan she already knows he's like stubborn living trash but trashier. a/n that's a pretty good description I'm proud of myself. 👌

"You're a pretty good leader so I think everyone cooperate....." I quickly glance at Kacchan. "Well... Almost everyone." I say as I feel a bit of sweat rolling down my cheek 'he's pretty hard to cooperate with...and a pain in the butt to have to hang out with... ' I thought as I was remembering all those times I hung out with him as a kid. 

"Okay let's do this!"

Dun duh dunnnn Time skip time!

Everyone was rounded up into an amazing huge circle I was actually surprised because of how big it was. All might was in the middle for some reason. But, hey, I'm not complaining. That spot is the center of the circle and he's always the center of attention so being the center of things must be his fate. n/a Oof he just got ROOOOAAAASSTTTEDDDD ahem I'll just staph now

I when to the start doing 3 laps slowly then Uraraka got too tired of waiting for me to get to 5. "You can stop now, Deku~kun." I smiled and snickered "Okay just let me finish this one lap" She nods and sits back down. After she sits back down I start bolting and I finished this in a second. "Done." Her eyes widen and she just blankly stared at me.

Mina sat next to her and waved her hand in front of her face. "Yello?" She still stared blankly at me "Mina... You know how you felt you were lied to when smiled?" She jumped when she heard her speak and she slowly nodded "Well... Now I feel lied to.. "

I  walk up to her and sit down with my knees up to my chest in front of her and tilted my head a little "How so?" She was still staring blankly and it looked like she was spacing out but she wasn't

"You look innocent, harmless and way too adorable and next thing you know you're probably the strongest in the class!" she threw her arms up into the air snapping out of the blank stare and looked betrayed. "How is that possible?!" I shrug "I dunno." "HEY HE'S DEFINITELY NOT THE STRONGEST, I AM!" I heard Kacchan yell from the back of the class. n/a Yes, Bakugou isn't that much of an ass to Midoriya but his ego is still as big as ever.

Well this chapter is starting to get long and Idk how to end it so Imma just end it with this precious gif of Todoroki smiling :

OMG HE IS JUST PERFECT I CAN'T AUGH HE IS JUST SO PRECIOUS AOFHWLFJWKALDKWMA sorry I let the inner fangirl come out for a second lol but srsly he his just so adorable 👌

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OMG HE IS JUST PERFECT I CAN'T AUGH HE IS JUST SO PRECIOUS AOFHWLFJWKALDKWMA sorry I let the inner fangirl come out for a second lol but srsly he his just so adorable 👌

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