Meeting All Might!

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*Uraraka's POV*

"Hey, Iida~kun! What do you think of Deku~kun??" They don't really talk or interact with eachother so I wanted to know what he thinks about him.
"Well I'm not sure. We've haven't known each other that long and I just met him a few days ago at the entrance exam. "
I leaned a little closer to him and stared him down "You got nothing?"
He nodded as I backed up to where I was before. "How do you have nothing? Not even an opinion on his first impression?" He nodded again. "But how!? he's so adorable!" I grabbed Deku~kun's face and faced him towards Lida~kun. "Just look at how adorable he is!" I felt my hand get warmer forms Deku~kun's face and after a few seconds I realized what I just did 'Well, crap.' I quickly let go and my face got redder than his. "S-so sorry, Deku~kun!" "I-it's fine" he muttered and turned around. I finished eating and the atmosphere was pretty awkward for a few minutes. Then things got back to normal.

*Midoriya's POV*

We heard the bell ring and we all went to our next class. Todoroki was next to me and he leaned to my ear "All might's our teacher in our next class" I turned to him and my eyes widened. I was jumping around and I have this dumb grin on my face "YES! I'M SO HAPPY! I'M GONNA MEET ALL MIGHT!"

I was so happy that I didn't realize how loud I was being until I felt a crumbled piece of paper hit the back of my head.

Deku shut your fucking mouth before I make you.

            - "Kacchan"

Todoroki~kun looked over my shoulder and threw an angry glare at Kacchan. They just were there.. staring down at each other with pissed off faces.

(a/n all around me are pissed off faces lol I'm sorry let's just move on.)

I felt too awkward to stop them and I didn't even know what to say to stop them. I've only got to know Todoroki for a day, and I'm pretty sure if I told Kacchan to stop he would probably say something like "Shut up, Shitty Nerd. Don't tell me what to do!" and then kill me afterwards.

Luckily I didn't need to say anything about it because someone had walked through the classroom door. "ALL MIGHT!" I knew I wasn't supposed to shout in class but I couldn't help myself. Plus, everyone was already shouting before.

We when outside for training and we went against our class mates. "Okay, students. Today we're going to do're probably not used to." I tilt my head in confusion and he looked at me "Yes, yes. Confusing I know but I'll explain." (a/n All might isn't as energetic as other fanfics BC IDK wut to make him do lol)

"There's a "bomb" and the villains need to keep that bomb from being touched. The heroes need to touch the bomb. THERE IS ANOTHER WAY TO WIN." He pointed his finger up dramatically. "You tie them up." Lida raises his hand and pushes up his glasses "Is the heroes gonna tie the villains up or the villains tie up the heroes?" "Both." "Bu-" "Both now let's carry on."

I was paired up with Uraraka and we were going against Momo and Tsuyu. "Don't worry I got this." I looked at Uraraka and smiled. "But I don't even know your quirk!  How am I supposed to know if it'll be useful?" "It's okay just trust me." she nodded and stood back as I walked into the building. I ran super fast and touched the bomb. I stood there and smiled at them. "HEROES WIN!"

Momo put her hand on her mouth.  "Midoriya, I didn't know your quirk was super speed!" Momo looked at me with a surprised face and it made me laugh. "Ribbit. Now that I think about it your quirk is similar to Iida's quirk." Tsuyu put her thumb under her chin. "Super speed isn't my quirk." I said as I ran out of the room. They looked at each other with confused faces and I laughed harder. I ran to Uraraka and she smiled. "What did you do??" I smiled back at her. "Something." She playfully elbowed me in the side. "Awh, Cmon be more specific." I shook my head while laughing and I walked back to the rest of the class with Uraraka.

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