Making Friends!

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*Midoriya's POV*

My head was still down as I made my way down the hall trying to find class 1A. I end up getting lost and super confused because I wasn't looking where I was going so I trace my back my steps to where I started but for I still kept my head low. I don't even know why I was doing that. I guess I still felt embarrassed. But there was no one around and yet I still felt the need to keep my head down.... Or so I thought. After tracing back my steps for 5 minutes I heard running. My eyes widened and I just stopped walking. I felt my heart race and I froze. It felt as if I was paralyzed. I couldn't move for some reason. I was too scared to move. Then after a few moments of being "paralyzed" I felt something hit my head and it hurt.. real bad... 

*Uraraka's POV* 

I wasn't looking where I was going and I hit a kid with green hair. "Owie... " I mumbled to myself. I looked at him and I saw him get up and reach out his hand towards me. "H-hey! Are you alright?" He gave me a smile and I just stared into his green eyes and felt myself blushing. I slowly gave him my hand and he pulled me up like it was nothing. "Thanks!" I smiled back at him. "My name is Uraraka? Yours?" He looked like he zoned out and I didn't wanna bother him so I just let him stare and then he jumped a little. "U-um do you know where Class 1A is?" He was stuttering so much I knew social interactions weren't his thing. I laughed a little because of how shy he was. 'Cute' I though to myself. Then I realized what he said " You're in Class 1A? I am too! " I smiled. "Let's walk there together!" I said as I grabbed his wrist and started leading him to our class. 

*Midoriya's POV*

'OMG OMG OMG I JUST TALKED TO A GIRL OMG A GIRL TALKED TO ME OMG A GIRL IS GRABBING MY WRIST OMG I JUST TOUCHED A GIRLS HAND' was all I could think about as she was leading me to our class. When we got there our class was already there. When she let go of my wrist and opened the door I could feel so many eyes on me and I blushed like crazy. I saw there was a seat behind Kacchan and I went and sat down. "Hello class, I'm Mr. Aizawa and I will be your teacher for the year. Go and introduce yourselves while I sleep" We all looked at him with confused faces as he grabbed his sleeping bag, got comfortable, and fell asleep. "I guess we're actually doing this..." I heard someone whisper. "I thought this school was actually good. All that hard work for nothing" I heard someone else say. I put my head on my desk and I sighed.

 My eyes widened when I saw Uraraka get up and stand on her seat. I panicked and I was worrying about what she was gonna do next I half yelled half whispered "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" at her. She just looked at me and mouthed "Don't worry" and winked at me. "Hey everyone! Don't be like that! Let's stay positive! I'll go first! My name is Uraraka and my quirk is gravity!" She bowed and said "Who wants to go next?" she smiled at everyone and soon people started introducing themselves.

~Time skip to Midoriya's Introduction~

I slowly stood up and I started stuttering " H-hello! Um....U-uh.... M-m-my n-n-name is.... Uh.... " My face was red and I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I heard some people saying "Awwwhh" and that just made me stutter more.. "Hah..freaking Deku can't even say his name.. " Kacchan started snickering at me. " n-name is.... I-Izulu Midoriya" I stayed still for a couple seconds and then I heard Kacchan dying of laughter. When I noticed my mistake I quickly covered my mouth and turned extremely red. "I-I MEANT I-IZUKU M-M-MIDORIYA!" I blushed even harder than before and I quickly sat down covering my face and hearing more of that annoying "Awwhhhh" sound. 

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