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*Midoriya's POV* 

After everyone introducing themselves the bell rang. We all got up and went to lunch. "Hey wait for me!" I turned my head around and I saw a boy with red hair and pointy teeth waving to me. "H-hello!" I awkwardly waved at him. "Kirishima, was it?" He nodded. "I'm assuming your name is Midoriya?" I nodded too "Yup!" We started chatting a little bit....well.....he did most of the talking. After getting to lunch he just waved goodbye and sat with his friends. 'He's making friends on the first day? How on earth does he do it?' I just shrugged and walked away to get food. 

~Time Skip~

After I got food I went to find a place where no one was sitting and decided to sit there. 'The school year has JUST started and I'm too awkward to interact with other people.' Just as I thought that I saw 5 people coming to sit with me. 'Oh no.... ' The people there was Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and Mina. I just awkwardly waved at them and they all waved back. Uraraka sat on my right side and Todoroki sat on my left. "Hello, Deku~kun!" Uraraka said as she turned and smiled at me. "D-D-DEKU~KUN?!" I stammered. "Oh uhm sorry I heard Bakugou say it and I thought it was your name.." She looked down embarrassed. I felt bad 'I didn't wanna make anyone feel uncomfortable....' I got less tense "'s not exactly my name but you could still call me that if you want.. " I smiled at her and I thought I saw her blush for a second. Her face lit up and smiled "Okay, Deku~kun!" 

*Todoroki's POV*

I didn't really understand why Uraraka wanted me to sit with him but I just went along with it. It was pretty clear on how she felt about Midoriya. While we were sitting with him during lunch I heard them chatting and for a split second I saw her blush. I started to feel envy. Something inside me made me feel angry 'I wanna grab his attention...' 

I lightly tapped his shoulder and he turned around. I glanced at Uraraka and she looked a little upset. "Hello, Todoroki~kun!" He smiled at me. His freckles and his eyes and adorable..."Um..Midoriya? Do you have a favourite hero?" His face looked so happy as soon as I said that. He nodded with a big silly grin on his face. "ALL MIGHT!" He sounded so happy it made me want to smile. So I did. 

In the corner of my eye I saw Mina shaking Tsuyu's shoulder and whispering "He seems like the serious type that never smiles....HE TRICKED ME!" Mina did a fake gasp. Uraraka laughed a little. " Calm down, Mina." Tsuyu rolled her eyes and continued eating. 

"Todoroki~kun?" I heard Midoriya so I turned to him and he was and inch closer to me. As I looked into his eyes I could see it was filled with curiosity. "W-what is it? " I looked the other direction and my cheeks were slightly red. He scooted back a little "Do you have a favourite hero? Do you also like All might?" I nodded and and looked back at him. That same cheesy grin came back on his face. 'He's so adorable...'

*Midoriya's POV*

"Now I have someone to talk to All might with!!" I smiled and I felt really happy. All my worries have gone away and I didn't feel awkward with this group of people. 

" Do you have any posters of him??" I scooted closer again being super curious. "Uhm.... I would but my dad hates him... " he looked awkwardly to the side and scratched the back of his head. I gasped then slightly pouted. "How can anyone hate him?  He saves people! I would give anything to be like him!" He looked at me at then to the side again. "Well.... My dad.... Um.. " I tilt my head to the side and got curious again. "What about your dad?" I scooted even closer. "W-well... He's Endeavor..." I looked straight at him and my eyes widened when I realized his right eye was quite similar to Endeavor's. 

*Todoroki's POV* 

"NO WAY! That's awesome! I wish my dad was a hero!" I looked into his adorable green eyes and sighed "It's not as awesome as you think... "

 He turned back to his food and he looked like he was a little upset 'Did I say something wrong? Augh I'm such an idiot. I probably ruined the happy mood by telling him my family problems. Dumb Shoto....' (Little did he know Midoriya was thinking of a way to make Todoroki feel better >:3 )

 He turned back to me with a smile "What ever your dad is doing that doesn't make living with a hero as cool as I imagine, I believe in you! You'll get through this!" He gave me a smile and he put a thumbs up 'He is so freaking cute goddammit.' I could feel my heartstrings getting pulled. "T-thanks Midoriya.." I smiled back. We both turned back to our food and ate. 

DekuBowl - Izuku Midoriya's Life At UANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ