#3 ~ Protective

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A new mission had come up and after months of training, your fellow ShadowHunter Jace, had decided that you were ready to go with him. "Hey." He'd said as you sat in your bedroom, reading. "Hey." You'd replied smiling up at him. Whenever you saw Jace, you instantly lit up. Out of everyone, you felt closer to him and you couldn't explain why.  "Are you busy?" He'd asked you, crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame of your bedroom.  (See above!) "Not really." You replied, closing the book you had just been reading and placed it down on the bed beside you. "I'm pretty bored to be honest." You said this as Jace was also good at suggesting ideas of way not be bored. He smiled, looking at the book you were reading. "No wonder you were bored." He said, a smiled etched across his face. He stopped for a moment, his gold eyes glinting in the light. "How would you feel about going out on a mission with me?"

You jumped up off of the bed in excitement. "For real?" 

"For real." He said as you took a hold of his arms. "Right now." He said, still smiling at you. You still had hold of his arms. You looked into his eyes and him into yours and it was like the rest of the world had stopped moving and it was just the two of you in this moment. Your heart fluttered; you felt this before around Jace, but not like this, not on this level. Your faces moved closer to one another, as though you were going to kiss but you instantly pulled away from one another when Jace had said; "We should go and get ready." 

You followed him to the weapons room, where the two of you geared up with your knives and swords, ready to head out but you were stopped in your tracks. "What are you doing with those weapons? Where are you going?" It was Alec. Not only was he Jace's adopted brother and Parabati but he was also the head of the institute. He'd taken over when Hodge went. 

"We're going out on a mission." Jace said, standing in front you, as though he was trying to protect you. Alec laughed. "I don't think so." He stopped and looked past Jace at you. "Not with her." You felt your heart sink.

"What do you mean?" Jace asked. Alec sighed, shaking his head. 

"I cannot allow you to take her out on a mission."

"Hey!" Jace said. "(Y/n). That's her name, use it." He was still stood between you and Alec, making you feel incredibly safe. 

"Fine." Alec said, rolling his eyes. "I cannot allow you to take (Y/n) out on a mission."

"Why not? What possible good reason could you have?"

"She's not ready." He simply said, looking at you dead in the eyes. 

"Yes she is." Jace gave a small, cocky smirk. "I'm her trainer. Not you. I decide when she's ready to go out there and fight. Not you or anybody else. Me. Do you understand?"

"Jace. She isn't trained enough. Don't you get it? She'll be dead in minutes."

Jace looked at you, reassuring you that it was okay. "No. You don't get it. She's an incredible fighter. She's better than you." He was deadly serious. "She's not scared."

"Jace. You can't say that." He stopped. "We're Parabati."

"Alec." He said, through gritted teeth. "She's coming with me because she can do it, better than anyone else here." He looked at you. "Come on (Y/n). Let's go." The two of you walked towards the door.  "You're completely blind. You know that don't you?" Alec shouted behind you. Jace was getting angry; it was clear to see.

"Excuse me?"

"You're blinded by your love for her." He stated. "You can't let your feelings for her get in the way. If you weren't in love with her, you wouldn't say that she was good fighter." There was an awkward pause. 

"You love me?" You asked Jace. He was still looking at Alec but turned to you for second. 

"Yeah. I do." He turned back before you could say anything else to him. However, your eyes remained on him the entire time. "If you're going to be angry at anyone, be angry at yourself Alec. Be honest with yourself. I think that you're jealous that you'll never be able to fight like she can." He took your hand. "Like we can." 

Alec remained still as you and Jace, left the weapons room. "Don't wait up!" Jace had shouted before the doors closed behind you. When you got outside, you stopped him. "You love me?" You repeated, not quite believing it. "Yeah." Jace smiled, raising a hand behind his neck. "I didn't want you to find out like that. Alec was way out of order and--" You pressed your lips against him. He fingers were running through your hair. The two of you smiled as you pulled away. "Let's kick some ass." You laughed as Jace nodded, kissing you once more before grabbing your hand and the two of you running into the nightlife of New York City to fight some demons. 

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