Chapter 1-Wake up to a Dream

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Magnus sighed contently, slowly drifting back to consciousness, though in no hurry to actually do so. Usually he was fairly quick to wake up, but for some reason today he just wasn't feeling it. He actually felt totally happy to stay exactly how he was for the foreseeable future. He didn't know what it was, exactly, wasn't really coherent enough to even begin thinking it out, but he just felt totally, completely content; warm, happy and relaxed, like he was exactly where he belonged.

He turned slightly, cuddling closer to the warmth next to him in bed. There was a pleased, deep, wonderfully familiar hum, and the, very impressive, arm around him tugged him in closer, hand resting lightly on Magnus's lower back, moving in slow, soothing circles.

Magnus sighed again, slipping his arms around Alexander, pulling him in closer, nuzzling happily against his neck.

Ah...he must actually still be asleep...

That was okay...

He loved this dream.

He nuzzled closer, pressing a few light kisses to Alexander's neck, drawing out a delightfully soft, warm gasp that had Magnus's heartbeat speeding up. Alec shifted, lightly kissing along Magnus's jaw, before finding his way to his lips, tugging him into a wonderfully slow, deep, completely overwhelming kiss that had Magnus breathless, dizzy and desperate in a matter of seconds. Magnus gave a slight, breathless whimper, tugging him closer, eagerly deepening the kiss. Alec made a pleased, enthusiastic sound that was almost a growl, leaving Magnus's head spinning. never felt this good, this real

Alexander reaches up, carding his fingers through Magnus's hair. The arm around Magnus tightened somewhat, his hand drifting lower, brushing lightly, almost teasingly, against the top of his pajama pants...

Huh...that was odd...why was he wearing those in his dream?

That wasn't the only odd thing...

It was far more vivid then it ever had been, so much more real. It seemed like he could really feel Alexander; the strength in the arm wrapped around him, feel his breath against his skin, the way it caught every now and then, the heat from his body, could smell his sent...though it was a bit different.

He didn't have his was usually fairly faint, but almost always there. He smelled clean and fresh, like he'd just showered...

Why did he smell like Magnus's bath products?

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