Chapter 9-A Little Twist (Can Turn On A Dime)

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The groupfinds more information...And moreconfusion...


Okay so this is random, but the table in the cold case room is like a kinda tall drawing table where you can stand around it, kay?



"O-okay...well...there's no reports of break-in's or anything from last, no one's looking for you guys" Kevin offered hopefully, giving them a somewhat nervous smile

"So...t-that's something..."

After Izzy's flash they'd headed over to the precinct to check if any reports had been filed that matched her memory.

There hadn't...

So, either the guy who had stolen the crossbow hadn't reported the break in (as he was in possession of stolen goods)...

Or he was still in the basement and unconscious/dead/really pissed off.

In any case to figure out who he was and where to look for him they had to follow their trail from the night before.

They'd gone to the precinct after their shopping spree...they swung by the shop, retrieving Raphael's card. It was a man working the counter today, who knew nothing about the other evening, save for being extremely jealous of the woman's commission.

Apparently he'd been supposed to work but called her at the last moment to fill in so he could go on a date.

They'd retrieved Raphael's card, leaving quickly as they could, extricating themselves from the chatty sales clerk, they had their own problems to deal with.

Like the fact that while hopped up on some weird herb concoction they'd apparently broken into someone's house, stolen an (already stolen) crossbow, knocked out and subsequently locked the home owner/apparent crossbow thief, in the basement.

There were enough photos between the one of Alec gawking at a shirtless Magnus and the Precinct floor for them to piece together their route.

They'd backtracked to the apartment, dropping off their bags, then headed back out, making their way to the precinct. It looked like someone called a car, it was light blue and driven by a woman with a blonde pixie cut, several tattoos, an eyebrow ring, and a bright smile (they had numerous photos with her).

From there it got a bit murky...the pictures becoming more infrequent.

There was a few at the station around midnight...some outside at random, indecipherable places, a few of the moon, a picture of a weird topiary kinda thing that looked like some kind of bird or fish or something, then some outside and around the club- Apparently that's where he took the photo that is now Alec's background (Which he's caught Alexander staring at no less than five times)

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