Chapter 3-Phone Tag

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He shook his head...

He'd freak out about this later, right now they really needed to figure out what the hell happened; they were all missing an entire day, that was more important than the possibility that he may have slept with Magnus last night...

Well, okay...maybe not MORE important, but they were at least tied.

He shook his head once more, glancing around at the others; Izzy looked worried, but curious, so she wasn't in any real distress, just confused. She was wearing a set of her pajamas, he knew because he'd been with her when she'd picked them out, (She'd tried to get him to get a pair of the men's; he pretended not to know her until they left the store)

A pair of black pants decorated with rainbow hearts and a rainbow colored tank top with four glittery black hearts across the front.

So, she was in her own clothes, clearly dressed for bed, so she had her facilities enough for that, and she was here, safe,

Alright...that was definitely something.

He had to fight off a smile when he really took the time to look at Raphael...

Yeah, those were most definitely NOT his clothes; where does Simon even find these things?

Then him and Magnus...yeah...

He blushed faintly, scratching at his neck, glancing around in embarrassment.

He paused

Wow...the place looked like a Linen's N' Things exploded.

There were blankets, comforters, pillows and sheets everywhere, covering every area... was weird

He shrugged, somewhat at a loss, glancing over at Magnus; he appeared just as baffled.

", we really need to figure this out" he stated

They all nodded in agreement

He glanced over at Magnus, catching his eye, giving a faint shrug, unsure where to begin. Magnus gave a slight, reassuring smile before turning to the others.

"Alright, so, we don't know what is a mystery at this point, quite confusing, I admit, but I have no doubt we can figure it out.

We have a psychic, two of the best detectives in the city, a medical examiner and a...a Raphael... with all that, we will have this sorted in no time" he finished reassuringly

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