Chapter 5-Jace Finally Gets a Clue (Had to Happen Sometime)

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The group (With Kevin in tow) go to Jace's to find out what the hell happened...

The biggest question? Who gets to kill him...


Yes, I know that's kinda a lot of fully grown adults for one vehicle, just go with it, kay?

Also, I kinda added a bit to ch.3 when they realized Raphael's car was missing...sorry

(What? I forgot...Maybe I'm just getting too involved in the story...Anyways, it's there now...sorry for any confusion)


Okay, so at some point they need to actually get answers, rather than more questions, right?

Eventually things really should start making some semblance of sense...


Alec shook his head faintly as they pulled into the driveway. Both Izzy and Raphael's cars were there. So Raphael's theory Jace stole his was kinda losing traction, unless he also stole his car...

Which, once again, might actually make just a bit more sense than Raphael willingly hanging out at Jace's place.

"Well, we said that wherever my car was is most likely where we realized what was going on...though being dosed with something might actually explain me coming here..." Raphael said, glancing around somewhat disdainfully.

They all clambered out of the car, making their way to the door. Raphael stopped by the car, peering in...

"Well, I found my phone" he said, gesturing in the window.

"You said Alec and maybe the rest of you were at Pandemonium, I don't think it's too far from here... maybe that's where it happened?" Kevin posited.

"Okay, so maybe when we realized it, this was the closest place?" Izzy suggested, shrugging.

The others nodded consideringly as they reached the door, Alec knocking abruptly.

It was quiet for a moment, then they heard movement, the lock being flipped and the door opened.

Jace glanced over them, giving a slightly sheepish look, before startling when he saw Kevin, giving a smooth, charming smirk...

"Oh, hey again"

Kevin groaned, shaking his head, rolling his eyes

"Ugh...really? Wait..." he trailed off, glancing in shock at Alec and the others

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