Chapter 4-To go Forward You Need To Go Back

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Clary may have a way to help them with their memories


"Uhh...I don't know if I should be here for this" Alec said awkwardly, breaking the spell.

Izzy glanced over at him, rolling her eyes, before turning back to Clary, gesturing towards him.

"Sorry about my brother...flirting almost always confuses him...regardless of if it's aimed at him or not; he's either totally oblivious to it, or, well, that.

He's my big brother, so I say it's endearing...not bordering on painfully awkward or anything."

The others chuckle slightly, sharing a look, yeah, they knew this one.

Alec blushes and glares slightly.

Clary giggles, slightly, before shooting Alec a slightly sheepish, apologetic smile

"It's okay, Alec, I think it's sweet." She smiles once more at him before turning back to Izzy,

" guys don't remember anything from yesterday?" she asks, glancing at the others.

Alec, Magnus, and Raphael shake their heads


"No...nothing, it's a total blank. When we came here, how did we seem?" Izzy asked

"You all seemed fine; nothing out of the ordinary." She started, shaking her head slightly

"Mags? You had called me to ask about a case...I think you were looking for something that was stolen, some kind of weapon. You said there were some symbols around the crime scene and you wanted me to see if I could identify them."

Magnus tilted his head, curiously

"Symbols? I thought they were nothing...did we find something else?"

She shook her head "They really were nothing...I mean literally. They were a mishmash of Gaelic, Pagan, and Grecian symbols, but they meant nothing, none of them translated to anything of any interest...

We came to the conclusion they were just added in a hurry, to throw people off. Basically, it was like someone googled 'magic symbols' and just drew what came up...

Badly, I might add...more than a few had glaring mistakes."

Alec tilted his head curiously,

"Huh...okay, so we were working on the Lawery's case, the stolen crossbow. I do remember us going over the symbols on Friday...Magnus had said they were just a distraction, but maybe we wanted to be sure?" he finished looking at the others

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