Chapter8-A Winning Combination

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Raphael and Izzy realize just how much they have in common...


Sorry about the wait guys, I really wanted to go through and read the entire thing to proof and everything.

But I did get an outline for the last 5 that should help a lot. Hopefully I can pick up the pace now...



"Magnus...what I- I can't wear this!" Alec stammered, blushing trying in vain to shrug the glaringly bright, shimmery purple shirt Magnus was trying to fasten on him, off.

Magnus pouted,

"Oh...but it's so pretty, and you're so it works" he insisted, using the shirt to tug him into a playful kiss.

Alec stopped batting his hands away, slipping his arm around Magnus, kissing him back.

Magnus used the distraction to finish doing up the buttons on the ridicules shirt.

He pulled back, grinning triumphantly

Alec blinked slightly dazed, dreamy smile on his face before glancing down

"Hey! You tricked me!"

"But you liked it!" Magnus countered grinning playfully, standing back to admire his handiwork.

Raphael shook his head, rolling his eyes...

They'd been like that for hours. Once Alec agreed (Okay, well, once they'd dragged him here) Magnus basically decided he was his own, personal doll, and taken to putting him in the most garish outfits he could find.

The girl working the counter was paying them no mind, typing away happily on her phone, probably shopping for all the things she'd buy from the commission from this sale.

Raphael had tried to interject some semblance of subtly and taste into the crazy, but had since given up, letting Magnus have his fun.

It was fine, when Magnus was distracted playing dress up with Alec he and Izzy had picked out some decent, normal, suits and such for the hopelessly fashion challenged detective.

They had several bags, now he was basically just letting Magnus play...

They were happy, they deserved it.

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