prolouge: The Expedition

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*M/N(Mother name) P.O.V.*

100 D-class were sent to the 'supposed' world inside SCP-354 for an experiment to see if there will be any changes to our bodies. We will be there atleast 50 years before we return to our world.

My name is Dr. M/N Holland, or was called that, now I'm D-354049. I was investigating why there were samples of SCP-008 in certain parts in the town near by site-### causing containment breaches, when I was noticing that there were samples in an box with an note on it that said "Thanks you for doing business with you."

When I tried to report it I was framed by one of my apprentices that were working with me. And now I'm here demoted to D-CLASS and were walking to the submarine(with a drill infront) that was transporting us to the SCP-354 world.


It has been, what? 2 days or so since I have last seen sunlight, today I woke up by the gravity change. When we were waiting for the 'execution' I made a few friends. There was Lizzy, John, Mark and possibly the nicest guy I've met, F/N(Father Name).

We were on land and the first thing I noticed was that there was a big red moon above us. And that we were in a lake instead of a pool. We came to land and the few guards and scientists ordered us to make camp, most of us did, but a few disobeyed and were punished by beating and nightwatch. It took hours when we were finally done and I noticed that it was still night but the 'moon' did move a little so I assumed that the nights and days were taking longer than normal.

We were ordered to sleep for the rest of the night for the traveling tomorrow. Me and the rest decided to talk a little. "So John, how did you and up to become D-class?"

"I was arrested for murdering my ex-girlfriend, I was forced to kill her or she would have killed me, when I was in jail the Foundation wanted me for a test in exchange for freedom." He said.

"I was drunk while I was driving a car and hit an agent, I was arrested and was directly made D-class." Lizzy said.

Mark was already D-class for reason unkown, but was forced to come here after naming SCP-106 'Radical Lizzy' wich made her cause an containment breaches multible times, "I was framed by my buddies for a crime ' they' committed. They were robbing an house and killed the family there. When they placed their evidence in my house I was arrested for it and placed here." F/N said, I told my whole story from the beginning to end. We were beginning to feel sleepy and decided to go to bed.

*In dream*
I was dreaming that I was on in an forest with giant red trees. A walked around a bit and saw all kinds of SCP-354 monsters.

"Hello M/N, I have been waiting." A deep distorted voice said behind me. I turned and saw a woman with red eyes and hair. She was naked and had markings on her. "You may not know me, but I know all about you."

"Who... what are you?" I asked. Knowing this was not a normal dream.

"I the 'god' in this world, I came here to give you a blessing that will help you to survive here." She said. "In one month you and your friends will escape the Foundation but have to survive in this reality. I will give you a kind of evolution that will give you the needs to survive." She explained. The creatures around her began to look at me and came closer. "However this doesn't mean I will always help you if there are any dangers. You have to make your group bigger to survive and have to make your own equipment." She said. The creatures began to close in until everything begin to black out. "Until next time." Were the last things I've heard.

*Timeskip to a month*
It has been a month since the dream. The others also had the same dream like me and decided to believe the so called 'goddess'. We made our group bigger and we were now with 24 people. We also noticed physical changes, like: our hair and/or eyes changed a little to more red, we could lift more than normal. Also I had a good relation with F/N and John. We were in the forest that looked similar to the ones from the dreams. We decided to make a place to sleep. The guards were keeping guard and keep the D-class from escaping.

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