Chapter 3: Moved

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*Y/N's P.O.V.*

"... and this is the cafeteria." G. Said. He showed me around the place and we were now walking to his lab. "Alright I want to do some tests on just to be sure you don't have a tracking device on." He said. "We may want to keep the world unkown from these anomalies, but we also have a few enemies we have to look out for."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"I will tell you later... for now please lay down on the bed."


After he was done examining me he told the guards that were also in the room that I was safe.

"Alright. We will bring you to your room in a few minutes. However, 999 can't come with you." An researcher told me and held his hand out to me and Goo. "So please hand him... her... it? Whatever, just hand 999 over please. We can't have every SCP walking around freely here."

"*Guuu~?*" Goo said looking at the hand confused.

"Don't wanna!" I said while I held Goo.

"Listen kid. I already dangering my life here for working here. So please don't act childish and hand 999 over!" He said a little irritated.

"Calm down, man. He has permission to bring her along." A guard said.

"I'm not gonna calm down. For all we know that thing is able to manipulate our emotions for its own use." He said. "I don't even trust this kid right here. He litterly defeated SCP-029 and fought an group of armed and mind controlled guard. Is he wanted to he could kill us any second."

"Listen man, I already hate my job for not understanding any thing you 'science-guys' tells us." The guard says. "but I don't want to get fired because I angered an kid by taking away his slime like friend."

"Guys! Guys, calm down. I just made contact with the O5 counsel. They told us it will be fine as long they are not leaving the building and kept watched at." G. says.

"*Peep* will Dr. G. Skeleton, come to my office please. It's urgent. *Peep*"

"Seems like I'm being called. You two! *points at Lucy and Nancy* make sure there isn't any trouble when I'm gone, okay?"

Lucy and Nancy salutes G. and he walks out of the door. "So... what now?" I ask.

"Do you know anything of the culture of our world?" Lucy asks.

I shake my head. "Seems like we have to teach him about our world" Nancy says. "Damnit, and I hoped it would only have to keep watch today. Not being an teacher."

"I'm sure it isn't that bad, we can start saying which countries are the most well known." Lucy tries to reassures Nancy.

"What is are countries." I ask as that look at me shocked.

They than looked at each other and Nancy says, "This gonna be a long day."

*G's P.O.V.*

'What does she want from me this time.' I thought as is walked to 'her' office.

I knock the door. "Come in!" I hear and opened the door and walked in.

"G. Skeleton reporting." I said as I closed the door behind me.

"Good, sit down please... It's important." She says.

I sit down on her chair and tell her. "Now, what do you want, Mary. I don't have all day and I still have to escort Y/N to his living station."

"We heard from O5 that 'they' are being active lately. There are also certain rumours about some personals being one of 'their' members brought here to spy us." She says. It wasn't any new information however so I wasn't that surprised.

Son Of The Pool (Male (SCP?) Reader X Female SCP)Where stories live. Discover now