Chapter 5: breach aftermath.

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Real quick before you start to read. The character I named 'Dr. Holland' is a character I named for the story. However when I searched the SCP-wiki I found that there was already a character named like that. So I don't know if I should change the name or not.
If so, please let me know which name I should give her?
That was all. Enjoy the story!!!
*Dr. G(aster(DOCTOR BRIGHT! NO!)*

"Sir, we found 173." Said one of the MTF through the radio.

"Good. Have you seen any survivors?" I said, hoping some survived.

"There were some. However most of the D-class were to be terminated after they found the armoury." Said the MTF.

"I understand. Please remain eye contact with 173 until the containment unit arrives." I said. When I was about to turn the radio off the MTF spoke.

"Sir, wait! There is someone with 173.... alive." The MTF said.

This shocked me as most people with 173 would have their neck broken. "What! Who is it!?"

"It appears to be the SCP-354-B and 999 sir." The MTF said. I was shocked as I completely forgot about Y/N.

"Please, recontain them." I asked.

"Yes sir!" The MTF said and shut the radio off.

*MTF/1's P.O.V.*
"Alright boys bring an eye on her while I get her cage ready. We don't want another bodybag." I said as I struggle to get its transfer cell ready.

"Blinking!" I heard an MTF say.

It seemed as this was gonna be an easy capture. It was somehow refreshing to finally capture one without an fight. Sure it was silent... and we have to be on our toes for everything. But it's just one containment breach luckily.

"Hey captain?" My colleague said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"How did this one escape anyway?" He said.

"Well, it appeared the lock in the back of the car was broken. Why-" but as I was to finish my sentence an explosion was heard and the whole building seemed to shake. Some walls cracked and there was and someone was yelling through the radio.

"Everyone! We are being attacked by the CI(chaos insergentsy)! The breach was an distraction!!!"

While the alarms go off and everyone panicked we all kept an eye on 173. No matter what we knew that if that thing could kill us even in an split second. However I started to hear something... It sounded like bouncing. "Oh no"

"EVERYONE ONE THE GROUND!!!" I said as SCP-018 CAME THROUGH THE WALL BESIDE US.(There will sometimes be an random SCP in an chapter, why? Because plot)

As the SCP bounced a few time and killed my squad mate with the impact it got through another wall.

"Everyone alright?" I asked as only few were left. "WHERE IS 173!!!" SCP-173 and 354-B were gone. Only 999 was sleeping there on the ground.

*SCP-173's P.O.V.*
Why did I run? And why did I run with this kid? I ask myself these questions as I speed run through the halls with the boy in my arms.


That damn speaker said. "Atleast the guards are being distracted." I signed under my breath.

I saw the exit. Only a few more seconds before I see my freedom and can do what I want- "SCP-173 SPOTTED!!!" You got to be kidding me.

*Y/N's P.O.V.*
"Well... It appears we have to move with the damage done by 018, Y/N..." Dr. G said. "We are lucky none of the SCP's escaped and found 018 under in an lake nearby. It is unfortunate that it broke containment after the explosion caused it to bounce."

"Where will we go?" I asked.

"It seems like we need to bring you to another SITE until this one is fixed." He said. "You don't have to worry about 999. She will be going with you."

"What about the stone lady?" I ask.

"Well, since she was supposed to be transferred here. It will need to be going to the new SITE as well." He said.

I was happy she was going with us that I kept smiling. "By the way, Y/N." G said. "We saw what happend with you and 173. It appears that the higher ups want me to keep record between you two. Which means you will see each other more often."

"Yeah!!!!!!" I celebrated.

*173's P.O.V.*
Why do I have a feeling I'm in for a ride?

*meanwhile in the transfer SITE, ???'s P.O.V.*
I was as always in my containment. Doing nothing. Being bored to dead.

"Hey you heard about the transfer that is going to happen?" I heard one of the guards say.

"Yeah, it appears that another SCP-354-B will come here as well." The other said.

'SCP-354-what now?' I ask myself listening to their conversation as I saw one of the guards showing the paper which also can read which wasn't meant to happen. 'What an idiot's. Anyway it appears that this SCP is strong if it's related to 354.' I slowly laugh.

'Mabye if I eat him I will get the strength to get out of here.' I start to laugh harder which the guards notice. As they try to keep me down I only resist their weapons. If only not for the fact I was in an bath of acid.

They truely are disgusting....

*Dr. Brights P.O.V.*
As I was working I saw an report about Dr. G's destroid SITE. "Wow, seems hard to repair that destroid pile of trash." I said as I kept reading the report until I came across SCP-354-B and SCP-173's file. 'Well that was unexpected. 173 not snapping the neck of it's target. rather, I appears to have somekind of feelings... I think?' I thought to myself.

I was about to call my assistant for information about the kid. "HO HOO HA HAA!!!!" ah yes... I forgot... monkey body...



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