Danny Williams

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You were sitting in your office going over the case file when your door opened. You looked up and saw Chin leaning through the doorway. "We've got him." You quickly got up and grabbed your bullet proof vest. You followed Chin out of the building and down to the parking lot where Danny was waiting by his car and Chin was getting on his bike. "Looks like I'm with you." You said as you hopped into the passenger seat of Danny's Camaro. "I love being able to drive my own car." You chuckled as he got in and sped off towards your location. "Suspect is Patrick Downfield. He's got a track sheet a mile long and Steve is going to meet us there." You checked your gun was loaded before looking out the window. "You're quiet. What's wrong?" You looked at him and he glanced your way. "Nothing. Just thinking." "That's a dangerous thing." You raised an eyebrow and he raised his hand. "It's only a dangerous thing when I'm in a bad mood and it's your lucky day because I'm actually in a great mood." "I'm surprised Steve hasn't ruined it for you yet." "Why are you such a Debby Downer?" "Oh I'm the downer? Listen, (Y/N). I'm not a downer. I just like to express my concerns and unfortunately Steve has a tendency to... create events for me to express said concerns." You rolled your eyes. He took a sharp turn and you braced yourself against the window. "God Danny. And I thought Steve was a bad driver." He took another sharp turn and hit the gas. "I'm the bad driver? I don't think so. I am an exceptional driver and no matter how pretty you are, I don't need you to tell me otherwise." You blushed. He slammed on the brakes and you took your seatbelt off. You got out and pulled your gun out, aimed in front of you. You looked at Danny and he nodded. You walked forward and saw Steve and Lou making their way forward. Together, you moved forward as a group; Steve signaled for you and Danny to move to the back while they took the front. You quickly pushed ahead before Danny could do anything and walked up to the back of the house. You grabbed the doorknob and turned it before quietly opening the door and walking inside. You swept through the kitchen before making your way into the living room while Danny moved down a separate hallway. "He's heading out the back!" You heard him yell and you quickly ran out the way you came in. You saw the suspect sprint across the lawn and you ran faster. As soon as you were close enough, you jumped forward and tackled the guy. He hit the ground but rolled so he was on top of you; he punched you in the face before you returned the blow. He fell off and you quickly scrambled up just as he got up. You took turns throwing punches until you swept his feet out from underneath him. He hit the ground and you quickly reached down to pick your gun up just as he reached into his waistband. "Don't do it." You warned but he took a shot anyways. You felt the bullet hit your chest and shot off your gun, which hit him in the right shoulder. You hit the ground hard and felt the wind get knocked out of you. You were gasping and felt pain blossom across your chest from where the bullet hit. The rest of the team showed up and put him in cuffs while Danny ran to your side. You looked at him and grimaced. "Don't look at me like that." You groaned as you tried to sit up. "Really? You just got shot and that is the first thing you say to me." He helped you up before taking your vest off and started lifting your shirt up. You grabbed his hand and he looked at you. "Danno, If you wanted to undress me you should at least ask first." He smirked. "Believe me, I have and each time you've said yes so why get shy now." You blushed and pushed his hands away. "I'm fine, really. I'll just have a few bruises and a little soreness." He sighed. "You're so stubborn, you know that?" You shrugged but immediately regretted it. "So I've been told. Repeatedly by you, by the way." You made your way to the front of the house and you watched as Duke put the suspect into the car. "Hey, you okay?" Steve asked and you smiled. "Yeah, just a bit bruised." You felt your face and looked down at your hand to see blood. "Let's get you home and cleaned up." Danny said before leading you to his car and helping you in before jogging to the driver's side. "My place or yours?" You smiled. "Is that a real question?" He sighed. "You're right, why did I even ask." The ride to his place was silent but it wasn't awkward. He pulled up to his house and you saw the curtains move. "Looks like Gracie is home." You stated. "Perfect." He got out and helped you out. You walked in and felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. "Finally! I've been waiting forever! What happened to your face?" You smiled. "Just a few scrapes it's no big deal. You should see the other guy." You winked and Gracie laughed. "Why don't you go finish your homework?" She ran off and you sighed. "Come on." He grabbed your hand and led you back to his room and into the bathroom. You jumped up on the counter and leaned back against the wall. "Does it hurt?" You opened your eyes. "Not really." He moved so he was standing between your legs and gently started cleaning your face. You hissed but he kept going. "You should really take it easy out there. I mean what am I going to do with myself if I can't see your beautiful face every night?" You smirked. "I like to think that my award winning personality will make up for it." He scoffed. "Yeah, okay." He finished up but didn't move from his spot. "I love you, (Y/N)." You leaned forward and kissed him. "I love you too. Now let's go see what damage Gracie has done to the house while we were out." He helped you off the counter and you made your way to her room.

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