Steve McGarrett

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Everything was moving so slow and all you heard was this incessant ringing noise. You looked down at your hands and saw that not only were they shaking, but they were painted red. You looked down and saw a pool of blood beneath you. You looked around but your mind wasn't processing anything. You felt hands grab you and you let them drag you away from your spot on the floor. You looked around and saw people, mostly cops, running around but in slow motion. The flashing blue lights were blinding but you couldn't bring yourself to react. You were picked up and placed in the back of an ambulance; you stared blankly in front of you. A hand moved across your face and you turned to see your fiancé, Steve, standing there. And just like that, the ringing gave way to sirens and radio chatter and everyone was moving at a normal speed. "(Y/N)? Say something, please." You felt emotions hit you like a train and it was at that moment your brain processed what was happening. "He broke into my house." He sighed and placed a hand on the side of your face. "Who did?" You looked down at yourself and saw you were covered in blood. "We need to get you to the hospital. Now." You tried to stand up but Steve pushed you back. "You can't go in there." You fought back but eventually gave up. You sobbed and collapsed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed; trying desperately to calm you down. "You need to listen to me, okay?" He pulled back and grabbed your face. "You are bleeding and need to go to the hospital right now." You looked back down and saw a giant gash across your abdomen. You felt yourself go faint and Steve caught you. "I don't. I don't feel so good, Steve." You said before passing out. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Paramedics were instantly grabbing you and placing you on the gurney, Steve climbing into the back of the ambulance before it drove off. He watched as they started an IV and were trying to control the bleeding. Steve didn't know a lot of the medical terms they used but from how pale you looked, he new it wasn't good. "What's happening?" One of them looked at him before getting back to working on you. "Commander, she's losing a lot of blood. We're doing everything, but-" "Try harder." The ambulance came to a stop and the doors were thrown open. He quickly got out and watched as the EMTs, nurses, and the Doctor got you out of the ambulance and followed them down to the hall but he was stopped. "Commander, you can't go back there." "That's my girl!" He tried to push forward but the nurse managed to hold him back. "She needs emergency surgery! I'll keep you posted on any changes, but you need to sit and wait." When she was certain Steve wasn't going to bust through the doors, she ran off. He sighed and took his vest off before discarding it and paced. "Steve." He looked up and saw Danny and Chin rushing towards him. "How is she?" "She's in emergency surgery. She was bleeding pretty bad." "Hey, she's a strong and stubborn woman. She's gonna be fine." He said as he placed a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Lou, Jerry, and Kono are on their way over." "No, I need people out there looking for the asshole that did this." "CSU is doing a sweep of the house. Once they find something, we'll go out there. But we can't do anything until then." Steve sighed and hated how useless he felt.
A few hours later, a doctor came through the doors Steve had been staring at. He immediately stood up and the doctor made his way over. "Are you all here for Miss (Y/N)?" "How is she?" The Doctor smiled. "She's in recovery now. The wound was deep and she lost a lot of blood, but it didn't damage any major organs. She's sleeping now but you're more than welcome to go see her, but she needs as much sleep as possible." Steve sighed in relief. "Thank you so much." He shook the Doctor's hand before walking to the room you were in. You looked so fragile it broke his heart. He pulled up a chair beside you and held your hand gently in his. "I'm gonna find the person that did this. And I promise that he will get whatever is coming." You gently squeezed his hand before slowly opening your eyes to a thankfully dark room. "Steve?" Your voice was hoarse. "Shhh, don't push yourself. You've lost a lot of blood." You sighed and closed your eyes. "I feel like I've been hit by a bus." Steve gave a small smile. "If it's any comfort, you don't look like you've been hit by a bus." You cracked a smile and opened your eyes again. "Well that's a plus." "What happened?" Steve asked gently. You sighed and closed your eyes. "After we got off the phone, I went to sit on the back porch when I got grabbed. He dragged me into the living room and told me that if I screamed he would kill me." You shifted a little and Steve squeezed your hand reassuringly. "He asked about you and the team but I told him that you didn't tell me anything about your work and that I wasn't of any use. He got mad and started beating me. I remember he said that if I wasn't going to talk then I was of no use and he... he stabbed me." You felt a tear roll down your cheek and you brushed away. You opened your eyes and looked at Steve. "A few minutes later, you guys showed up." Steve ran a hand through your hair and you sighed at the feeling. "I promise that we're going to get this guy." Steve whispered. "I know, baby." You looked down and noticed that your left hand was bare. Steve followed your gaze and reached into his pocket. "The nurse gave it to me." You smiled and lifted your hand. He slid the ring back on and you sighed in content. You felt exhaustion creep over you and you tried to fight it. "Get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." You looked over at him and gave him a small smile. "You promise?" He kissed your hand. "I promise." You closed your eyes and let yourself fall back asleep.

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