Danny Williams

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You groaned as you got out of Steve's truck. "What's the matter with you?" You gave him a look. "If there's one thing I can't stand more than Danny's loud mouth, it's swimsuit models. So having both of them together in one location is gonna drive me up a wall." Steve chuckled. "Yeah you're right about Danny. I can't say I'm complaining about the models." You rolled your eyes. "Of course not. Why would you." You both made your way to what looked like a burned down trailer and saw Kono waiting for you. "Hey Kono, what do we got?" "Our victims name is Renny Sinclair. He's been here for 3 days shooting a swimsuit spread. Witnesses say he was in his trailer when it exploded." You walked around to the other side of what was left of the trailer. You saw footprints in the sand leading away from the trailer with a very small trail of blood. You jogged back to the group. "... this is personal." "Guys, I've got something." You called. They followed you back and you showed them what you found. "Looks like our suspect got hit." Chin said. You followed the footprints to the edge of the woods but they disappeared. "Damn." You walked back and shook your head. "Dead end." "Alright. Danny, Chin, and I will talk to the witnesses, Kono you stay with the crime techs and finish processing the scene." "What am I supposed to do?" Steve smirked. "Well since you so strongly dislike swimsuit models so much, why don't you go back to the palace and dig up everything you can on Sinclair." You put your hand on your belt and leaned back on one hip. "I'm going to talk to these models." Danny stated while staring at a group of them. You rolled your eyes. "Just stick to questions pertinent to the case, okay?" Steve asked. "And Danny?" He looked over at you. "You might want to wipe the drool off the corner of your mouth." You said while wiping your lip. "Ha Ha. You're hilarious, you know that?" Everyone but Danny chuckled and he made his way over. "Steve, is it alright if I take your truck. I mean considering you drove me here." "Yeah sure." He threw you his keys, which you caught, and gave him a smile. "Woah, woah, woah. You're gonna let her drive your car, but I can't drive my own? Unbelievable." "Well Danny, some of us are better drivers than others." You smirked knowing that would get him going. "Excuse me? Did I hear you-" You heard arguing and looked over to see two of the models start shoving each other. You rushed over and pulled one back while Danny got the other. "Easy! Give it a break!" You grumbled. "Stay away from me you crazy bitch!" One of them yelled and you groaned. "Walk it off!" You pushed her towards McGarret and turned to see Danny walking the other way with the other. You ran a hand through your hair and walked towards the truck. "I hate models." You complained as you walked past Chin and Kono. You got in the truck and drove back to the palace; you walked up to the office and got to working on digging into Sinclair's life. After an hour you called Steve. "What do you have?" "Well, I looked into his financials and his phone logs. This is guy is strictly all texts and no calls." "What is he a 15 year old girl?" You chuckled. " I know. I sent a copy to your phones." "Why are all of his texts coded? I need you to send this to Catherine and-" "Woah, hold on. You don't need to go all Rambo, okay? You're in Danny's world now." You couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" "Nothing." "Steve these are bets. And by the looks of it, he's got bets all over the place." "That's not all. I sent you a copy of his financials as well. He's got open credit markers all over Vegas and every dollar that goes out, comes back in." "He's strapped for cash but still banking bets? Well if he can't come up with the dough-" "He's burning his bookie." "Why would you interrupt me? I could finish that statement on my own." You rolled your eyes. "When are you guys coming back? I'm bored already." You heard Danny scoff. "We'll be there in a few." And Steve hung up.
You sighed and flipped the page of the magazine you were reading and scanned the lobby. "I haven't seen her yet." "She knows we're onto her. She's gonna bolt you just need to wait." You flipped the page again but stopped when you saw Amy walk around the corner looking skittish. "She's in the move. Making her way to the front of the hotel." You put the magazine down and followed behind her. She raised her hand and you stopped. "She's calling a taxi." Just then, Steve drove the Camaro in front of Amy and got out. "We'd like a word." She dropped her bag and made a run for it. You quickly took off after her and realized she was going for the ocean. "What the hell are you doing?" You groaned before reaching out and yanking her back. She fell back and you got knocked down in the process. "Stop resisting. It's over." She stopped and you stood up before dragging her up. Danny and Steve slowed and stopped in front of you guys. "Nice Of you guys to show up." You handed the girl over to Steve, who put her in hand cuffs and walked towards the squad car. Danny looked at you with a smirk. "What?" "Nothing, I just think that whole stunt was very attractive." You blushed. "Oh really?" "Yeah. Yeah really." You walked closer to him. "To bad the case is over. You can't ogle at any models now." He shrugged. "I don't need models if I get to see you everyday." You blushed even more. "Danny Williams, I had no idea you were such a romantic." He gave his signature smile before wrapping an arm around your waist. "To tell you the truth I didn't either." You giggled. "There's a new bar that opened up down the street. Care for a drink?" "Yeah, I'd like that." "Good cause I'm buying." You chuckled and let him lead you back to his car.

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