Steve McGarrett

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The pressure was on to catch the sniper targeting police officers, and you were thankful enough to catch a break. One of the gun store owners called in and said he sold the bullets used in the killings. You, Danny, and Steve were currently in the shop while the owner was inspecting the bullets you had. Steve was obviously impressed but Danny... not so much. "This must be heaven for you, Steve." You gave Danny a look but Steve ignored him. "I don't understand your fascination with guns." Steve looked back at Danny. "You're wearing a gun." "Yeah but this is for my job." "If purchased legally and used responsibly, they're a civilian's best friend." The store owner piped up and you rolled your eyes, knowing what was about to ensue. "I thought that was a dog." "They're better than dogs. You get the physical protection, but you don't have to walk it or feed it." You heard Danny chuckle. "Danny, will you shut up just for 5 minutes so we can finish this? Please?" You muttered. He held his hands up and you looked back at the owner. "Is the name on the casing the victims or the shooters?" You went to answer but Danny was quicker. "I've got this one. Respectfully, if we had the shooter's name, we wouldn't need your help, would we?" You glared at Danny. "Does he always act this way?" "As a child? Yes." You answered and Danny grumbled. "The engraving is made by special order, but a lot of shops on the mainland do that too." "But you sell these here, right?" "To tell you the truth, he could have bought them here or online." "Great." Danny grumbled and you elbowed him. "I need a list of exactly who you sold them to." "Sorry, but we don't keep records of those things." Before Danny could go off, you grabbed his arm and gave the store keeper a smile. "Thank you so much for all your help." "And thanks for the call. Let us know if you hear anything else." The Guy looked confused. "What call?" Danny turned back. "What do you mean 'what call'?" "I thought you said you responded to the HPD canvass?" Danny looked at you. "You didn't call HPD? About the casing?" You asked. The guy looked confused. "No, I didn't." "Get down!" Steve grabbed you and you grabbed Danny before hitting the ground. Steve covered you and you heard the class door behind you shatter. You looked around and saw Danny a few feet away. Steve looked at you but you pushed him off. "I'm fine! Go!" He stood up and ran out of the store. "Cover left, Danny!" He ran out and took Steve's left. You stood up and drew your weapon just as the store owner walked around the counter with a gun of his own. "Do you guys need cover?" "No!" You heard Danny shout. "We've got it, thanks. Just stay behind the counter." You gave him a smile before moving forward and hid behind a wall by the door. "I've got movement! Out of the garage!" You looked around and saw a green mustang swerve out of the garage down the street and Steve ran out to the middle of the road and started shooting. When the car only sped up, he jumped out of the way and quickly got into the Camaro; Danny looked at you before getting in and Steve tore down the road. You pulled your phone out and called Duke. "Hey-" "I need you to track Danny's car and have them back up Commander McGarret and Danny. We are in pursuit of the sniper. He is in a green mustang and is considered armed and dangerous." You were back at the Palace and waiting for the rest of the team. Your phone rang and you pick it up. "Steve?" "Yeah, it's me. We got him." You sighed in relief. "Thank God. Is anyone hurt?" "No, we're all in one piece. Any word on Duke?" "Yeah, doctor says he woke up and is expected to make a full recovery." Steve sighed. "That's good news. I'll see you in a few." "Okay." "And (Y/N)?" "Yeah?" "... I love you." You blushed. "Love you too." You hung up and walked into his office. You dug out the first aid kit and started cleaning your wounds. You were struggling to get the bandage on to this one tricky place, when the door opened. You looked up and saw Steve with a smirk on his face. "You look like you could use a hand." You sighed. "How long were you watching?" He walked over to you and took the bandage out of your hand. "Long enough to know that you're adorable when you concentrate." You rolled your eyes. "Just help me out." He finished putting on the rest of the bandages before cleaning up. "How are you holding up?" He looked at you briefly before going back to what he was doing. "I'm fine." You crossed your legs. "You're a terrible liar." He sighed and looked back at you. "I'm a little shaken up but at the end of the day, I'm here and he's not. That's all that matters." You stood up and hugged him from behind. "It's okay to not be okay every once in a while. You almost died today; multiple times may I add." He took your hand and placed a kiss on it. "I know." You hummed and stepped back. "It's my turn to make dinner tonight. How do burgers and ice cold beers sound?" He smiled and kissed you. "Like heaven." You chuckled and walked hand in hand down to his truck.

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