Danny Williams

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You were in your office finishing up paperwork from your last case, but it seemed like the paperwork was just endless. You finished and closed the file with finality and tossed it to the side before placing your head in your hands. "Hey, you okay?" You looked up and saw your husband, Danny, standing in the doorway. "Yeah just trying to get through all this damn paperwork." He gave you a smirk. "Well, I have full faith that you'll do it." You were about to respond when his phone started ringing. He pulled it out and gave you an apologetic look. "Take it. It's probably important." He walked out. "Detective Danny Williams." You heard faintly and watched as he walked into his office and took a seat. As much as he likes to hide it, Danny's been on edge since Steve left. You tried to help but Danny liked to hold everything in, which made it difficult. You watched him stand up abruptly and you could tell he was mad. You got up and walked over to his office; you looked back at Chin, who shrugged his shoulders in return. You walked into Danny's office but he simply kept pacing. "What the hell is the matter with you?" You crossed your arms and just watched. "Did you just call me for fun or are you going to actually tell me what's going on?" You heard the voice on the other line and realized it was your older brother, Steve. "What do you mean you think you found Shelborne? You either found him or you didn't." You walked up and grabbed the phone from him. "Where the hell are you, Steven?" He sighed. "I'm in Osaka, Japan and I have Wofat in custody." You sighed and rubbed your temple. "Why didn't you tell me or anyone that you were leaving?" "I had to find Shelborne." "Will you just drop the hero complex for five seconds! This is so much more than finding Shelborne. This is you acting out because Joe lied to you. Did you ever stop to think that Joe and Dad lied to protect us?" "(Y/N), listen to me. I know you're mad-" "I'm beyond mad, Steve. I'm livid." "Okay, you're livid. That's understandable but I need your help." You chewed your bottom lip before sighing. "Why do you want." "I teamed up with Interpol and made a raid on Wofat. He's in custody and it was too easy. I think he surrendered himself so I could find this phone." You looked at Danny. "What number do you want me to run?" You walked out and to the computer. You typed it in and traced it. "It's in Kewala." "Be careful okay? I don't want you guys walking into an ambush." "Just worry about coming back in one piece." You stated before hanging up and walking back to your office. "Is she gonna be okay?" Kono asked as they watched you pace your office. "She'll be okay. Right now, she just needs some space. The best thing we can do is find whoever owns that phone and make sure Steve gets home safe." "We'll load up the car." Chin said before looking at Kono and they walked out. Danny walked over and walked into your office. "(Y/N)." He called softly and you looked at him. "I know that you're beyond pissed, babe, but I also know that everything Steve does is with you in mind. If Wofat is going after Shelborne, then they could be a very dangerous man." You sighed and leaned your forehead against his shoulder. "I just wished he would have told me that he was leaving." Danny wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. "Believe me, I feel the same way." You scoffed. "At least he left you a letter." Danny kissed your forehead. "That stupid letter was probably worse than not being told anything. I mean come on? Who the hell writes a letter like that anymore?" You and Danny chuckled. "Chin and Kono are waiting down at the cars. We should probably get going." You sat up and ran a hand through your hair. "Yeah. Let's do this." He smiled. "There She is! I'm so happy you're not like your brother." He muttered and you chuckled before walking out with Danny beside you.

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