Max Bergman

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You pulled up to the scene and quickly got out of your car. You showed the officer by the crime scene tape your badge before leaning under the tape and making your way to the rest of the team. "What do we- Oh my god." You said as you looked down at your victim. "Is that..." "Yes, Detective (Y/L/N). Our victim is Captain Vince Fryer. Upon my preliminary report, cause of death is two bullet wounds to the chest. The angle suggests that the shooter was standing above Captain Fryer when he was shot. However, there is blood splatter that does not match the wounds Captain Fryer sustained. I believe that Captain Fryer managed to hit his shooter." "Good for him." Danny stated before shoving his hands in his pocket. You gave Max a small smile. "You can call me (Y/N), Max." You stated before looking over his shoulder and saw the dummy on the ground. "What the..." You whispered before looking around. "So Fryer gets a call out here, he shows up only to find that he's the only person at the scene." You walk up to the dummy and take a look at it. "Fryer sees this face down and thinks its a victim only to realize it's a trap after he turned the dummy over." You looked back at where Fryer was laying. "Our suspect lured Fryer out here. This is personal." You noticed it was only Danny and Steve at the body. "Where did Max go?" "Over here!" You turned back and saw Max down the alley. You started to walk towards him when a gunshot rang out. You watched as Max fell backwards and your heart stopped. "Max!" You screamed before running towards him. You glanced around the corner only to be greeted with a glimpse of a figure sprinting off. You kneeled down beside Max and immediately applied pressure to his wound. "(Y/N)." You looked up and saw Steve standing there. "Go! I'll stay with Max." Steve ran off and you looked around frantically. "Where the hell is that damn ambulance." You muttered. You felt someone grab your hand and you looked down at Max. "(Y/N)" "Shhh. It's okay, Max. Save your energy. You're going to be fine." You heard footsteps running towards you. You turned and saw paramedics rushing over. "He was shot once in the abdomen." You stated before moving aside and letting the medics take over. "BP is dropping and heartrate is slowing. We need to get him in the ambulance and then start an IV. Now." One of them stated. You stood with them and followed them to the ambulance. "I'm coming with him." You stated as you climbed into the back and sat next to Max. They shut the doors and immediately sped off. You watched as they started an IV, put an oxygen mask over his mouth, and applied more pressure to his wound. Max tried to take off the mask but you tried to stop him. "Max, you need to keep this on." He pulled it off again and he tried to say something. You leaned in and heard Max whisper faintly, "Woman". He leaned back and you put the mask back on before pulling your phone out and calling Steve. "(Y/N)-" "You're shooter's a woman." "What?" "Max said your shooter is a woman and I caught a quick glimpse of a black hoodie." The line went dead and you shoved your phone back in your pocket. The ambulance came to an abrupt stop and the doors were thrown open. You quickly climbed out and moved aside so the nurses could pull him out. You jogged beside him before someone stepped infront of you. You watched as Max was pushed through a pair of doors and down a hallway. "You're in my way." You snapped but the nurse didn't move. "Ma'am, I can't let you back there. I'll have someone keep you updated, but you have to stay out here." You glared at her before walking to a chair and throwing yourself into it. You sighed and felt the adrenaline rush come to an end. You looked down at your hands and saw that they were both shaking and painted red. You felt yourself get queasy and quickly rushed to the bathroom. You scrubbed your hands raw and watched as the sink took on a reddish tint. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a deep breath; you looked like a wreck. You splashed some water on your face before walking back to the waiting room. You paced for a few minutes before the T.V. caught your attention. You looked up and saw 'Breaking News' flashing in red. "Excuse me! Can you turn this up?" The nurse gave you a look before turning it up. "This just in. We have confirmation that there was an explosion at the Honolulu Police Headquarters roughly ten minutes ago. We do not have information on if there were casualties." You pulled your phone out and called Steve. When he didn't answer, you called Danny. "(Y/N)." "Are you guys okay?" "Yes, we are all fine for the most part. Chin has a few broken ribs but we'll all be okay. How's Max?" "He's been taken to emergency surgery. I'm still waiting for someone to update me." "Okay. If you hear anything, call me." "Yeah, you too." You stated before hanging up and sighing. You went back to pacing, knowing it pissed the nurses off but you didn't care. A few hours later, someone stepped out of the doors. You stood up and the person walked over. "Are you here with Mr. Bergman?" "Yes. How is he?" "He's recovering now. The bullet missed major organs but still did some damage." "I need to see him." "I can't let you do that." "We have reason to believe that whoever shot Max also blew up the police headquarters a few hours ago. We do not have a single lead and Max is the only one who saw what she looked like. Now, we are currently in the midst of a manhunt for a domestic terrorist and I need you to tell me where Max is and I need you to tell me now." You ground out and felt your blood boil. "Down the hall to the left." You rushed past him and ran until you go to Max's room. You walked in and your heart broke at the sight of him laying in that bed. You pulled up a chair and took a seat beside him. "Max. Please wake up." You said softly. You saw his eyes flutter before they slowly opened. "Where am I?" You felt a tear escape. "You're in the hospital, Max. You got shot earlier." He tried to sit up. "No. Max, stop. You need to lay down and listen to me." "I have to tell Commander McGarrett." You gently pushed him back down. "Max, I already told him. In the ambulance, you told me that the person who shot you was a woman." He looked confused. "Oh. Well..." He mumbled before relaxing. "How bad are my injuries?" "The doctor said that the bullet didn't damage any major organs but it still did some damage. I sort of forced him to let me see you so I didn't catch anything else he was going to say." Max looked at you. "Don't look at me that way. I either flashed the badge or I had to wait another two hours ontop of the four I already waited." He sighed. "You have never been one for diplomacy, (Y/N)." You smiled. "What?" "You called me (Y/N)." "I'm sorry. I-" "No, Max, don't apologize. I've been trying to get you to call me (Y/N) for months now." He smiled. "I suppose you have." Silence filled the room and you noticed Max started to nod off. "You should get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up." You said softly. You stood up and turned to leave, but Max weakly grabbed your hand. "Please. Stay." You sat back down and Max gave your hand a weak squeeze before falling asleep. You gave Max's hand a light squeeze in return before getting comfortable and eventually falling asleep.

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