Chin Ho Kelly

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You were bouncing your knee up and down anxiously as you waited for Chin to come out of the interrogation room. Internal Affairs was coming after Chin- again- but this time about Gabriel Waincroft. You cringed at the thought of him and all the pain he's brought upon Chin. "He's been in there for hours now." You looked over at Kono, who was pacing. "I'm sure he's almost done. Chin has nothing to do with him and they know that; they're just being assholes at this point." Lou scoffed. "You've got that right sister." You gave a small smile before looking down at your hands. The sound of the door to the interrogation room opening brought you to your feet; you watched as Chin stormed out of the room and past all of you. You and Kono shared a look but before she could go after him, she was called into the room. You placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll go talk to him." She gave you a smile. "Mahalo." You watched as she walked into the interrogation room and you jogged after Chin. You saw him pacing next to his car and was running a hand through his hair. "Chin." You called softly as you walked towards him. He stopped and watched you walk towards him. "Hey." He sighed. "Hey." You knew better than to push him when he's in such a state so you leaned against his car and waited for him to talk. "They think I'm protecting him. Because of our past." You sighed. "They're just looking for anything to bother you about because they couldn't get you last time. And they're not gonna get you for anything because you're a good person, Chin. And we all know that you are the last person to ever defend him." Chin sighed and you rested a hand on his arm. "We'll get through this. We're all standing beside you, Chin." He looked You in the eyes and you blushed. You looked down at your dress pants and brushed off the non existent dirt just to avoid his gaze. He cleared his throat. "We should probably go back inside." "Yeah." You agreed and walked back inside with him.
Later that evening, you were cleaning the dishes from dinner when you heard a floorboard creak. You froze and looked into the reflection of the window in front of you. You saw a man standing in the doorway of your kitchen and you tensed up. "Need a hand?" You turned and saw Gabriel Waincroft with a smug smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, (Y/N)." You instinctively reached for your hip but internally groaned when your gun wasn't there. "It's Officer (Y/N)." He whistled. "My apologies, ma'am." You looked at the kitchen drawer with your gun in it. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'd be a shame to have to shoot you when we've only just met." You looked back at him and crossed your arms. "What do you want." He walked closer. "I just want to talk about a mutual friend of ours." You took a few steps back. "And if I don't want to talk?" He chuckled. "It would be in everyone's best interest is you did. So I'll start. Why is Internal Affairs looking into Chin again?" "They think that he's protecting you because he was your brother in-law." "And what has Chin told them?" "That you can go to hell." He chuckled. "I knew you had an attitude. Maybe that's why Chin is wrapped around your pretty little finger." "I don't know what you're talking about." "We both know you're not oblivious. Even I've seen how you two look at each other." You felt violated. "You've been watching us?" He smiled. "Ding ding ding! We've got a winner. How else would I have known your schedule, where you live, and your... affections for my dear brother in-law." He was dangerously close now and you were backed up against the counter. "Why won't you just leave him alone?" He leaned in and you cringed. "Because where would be the fun in that?" He whispered before pulling back. "I think I've got enough for now. It's been a pleasure to finally speak with you but I'm afraid I must go." He smiled and turned to walk away. You quickly rushed forward but Gabriel anticipated your movements and turned, grabbed your arm, and threw a punch. Your vision was swimming and you could taste blood. "Don't get up." He said darkly before turning and vanishing into the night. You touched your nose and figured it wasn't broken but was bleeding. You stood up and gripped the counter; you slowly walked to your phone and dialed the first person that came to mind. "(Y/N)? To what do I owe the pleasure?" "Gabriel was in my house." You groaned. "What?" "Chin, he was in my house. And was asking all these questions and then-" "I'm coming over." And like that, the phone went dead and you sighed. You went to your freezer and grabbed an ice pack and then grabbed a towel. You walked to your living room and sat on the couch before pinching your nose with the towel and leaned forward. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on something that wasn't Gabriel Waincroft. You heard a car pull into your driveway and knew that it was Chin. He rushed in and you figured he was looking around. "In the living room." You called out and sat up. You watched as he walked around the corner and looked you over. "I promise it doesn't hurt that bad." You said as you went back to pinching your nose. He walked over and kneeled in front of you. "Let me take a look." You moved the towel and watched his reaction. "Gabriel did this to you?" You looked over his face. "Yeah. I went after him but I guess he was counting on it." He sighed. "Let's get you cleaned up." He stood up and walked into the kitchen. You listened to him rummage around before you heard the faucet turn on. You spaced out; your thoughts on how Gabriel got past your alarm system and how long he had been in the house. You were taken out of your thoughts by Chin kneeling back down and you watched as he dipped a clean towel into the bowl of water. "I don't think your nose is broken." He said softly. You sighed as he cleaned the blood off your face. "Lucky me." When he finished, you put the ice pack on your nose and leaned back. Chin cleaned up and was standing awkwardly in the doorway. "You can come in you know. I don't bite." You chuckled at your own comment. Chin walked in and sat down beside you. "This is my fault." You looked at him. "Chin Ho Kelly you listen to me. None of this is your fault." He looked at you and you took his hand. "I don't care what Gabriel does to me, but I will stay by your side no matter what. I promised I would when I took that oath and I intend to keep it." He searched your face before smiling. "Thank you." You squeezed his hand. "Anytime." He stood up. "I want you to stay the night at my place. I'll call CSU and have them sweep the whole house but I don't want you to stay here." You blushed and stood up. You knew better than to fight Chin when his mind was made up. "Okay. Let me go pack a bag." You walked up the stairs and threw some clothes into a bag before making your way down. You saw Chin was looking at some pictures you had on the wall. You walked up beside him and saw they were from different gatherings, but they were all pictures of the whole team. "Ready to go?" He looked at you. "Yeah." He helped you out to the car before getting in. The whole ride was silent and you didn't want to upset Chin even more than you assumed he already was. He pulled in and turned the car off, but nobody made a move to get out. "I'm sorry. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. Especially you." "It's not your fault. You don't control Gabriel's actions; all we can do is catch him before he can do anymore harm." Chin looked at you. "I love you." You stared at him in shock. "A-what?" "I know I've been distant lately but only because I didn't want something like this to happen. When you called me, I panicked and it made me realize that I could have lost you and I never would have been able to tell you how I feel. So I'm telling you now.... I love you." You felt your face heat up. "I love you too, Chin." He smiled before leaning over and kissing you. You kissed back and felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. "Let's get inside." He whispered before kissing you again and getting out. You took a second to collect yourself before getting out as well. Chin grabbed your bag for you and opened the door. You walked in and looked around. "So this is what your house looks like." He smirked. "Like it?" You looked at him. "I love it." He smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist. "Good. Because you're welcome anytime." You smiled and kissed his cheek. He lead you down a hallway and into what you guessed was the guest room. "The bathroom is through that door and I can soak your shirt tonight." You looked down and saw you had blood stains on it. "Ah, gross." You whispered as you pulled it over your head. You looked over at Chin, who was looking away and blushing. "No need to be nervous." He gave you a look before taking your shirt. "My room is right next door. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call." "I won't." He gave you one last smile. "Then goodnight, (Y/N)." "Goodnight, Chin." He closed the door and you sighed. You sat down and looked around the room, letting your mind run through everything that happened today.

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