Part 1

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As i opened the freezer, the ice cold air cooled my skin. I felt really tired from last night and I have to admit I am a little bit hung over. I stood there , holding the door with one hand open and with the other I leaned myself against the freezer. God that really woke me up,  more than the five coffees I had before, this day. I was so lost , I didn't realize how long I was standing there, enjoying the coldness. The voice of my boss, threw me out of my trance. I sighed when I heard him saying.

"Hey Miss Dreamy, stop thinking about your crush less and put your energy more into working. The beer bottles can't put themselves into the freezer, so move it!"

This guy is really unbearable. He is the typical cliché club owner, you could imagine. Bold, tattooed arms and not one of the best tattoos, potbelly ,but still wearing a muscle shirt and stone wash jeans, that were way too skinny, oh and a character that is just as god-awful as his "style" of clothing. But anyway. The money isn't that bad and I actually have the chance to listen to some great music.

Give him his due, he knows how to get great bands into his club. So I started loading the beer bottles into the freezer. Usually  I start working about 12 or 1 p.m, but today I had to be here early in the morning, cause a so called "LA sensation" will play tonight . Actually I didn't ask him which band exactly. I put the last bottle into and closed the freezer, when he was standing at the bar. Already recognized him by his Jack Daniels smell.

"Listen Mar, we've got a lot of work to do. You just spend half an hour with loading those bottles, but I have to remember you that it's not only that. All the glasses need to be wash and you need to get some more beer from the basement and you have to clean the dressing room. And when I mean clean, I mean clean. Cause it's still a mess from last time!" he said sounding a bit nervous and stressed. It bothered me that he called me Mar, my full name is Mary, like he is too lazy to call me by full name. So I turned around and said

" Okay Pete, I know what my duties are, you told me already when I arrived here. But you didn't tell me which band will perform tonight!"

" Oh really you listened actually to me? I thought you were still sleeping when you arrived here today! He said sounding ignorant. Well whatever, they are called the Red Hot Chili Peppers, have you heard of them?"

I tried to ignore his stupid comment. "No I've never heard of them before, are they good?"

He handed me a cassette.

"Put it on and find it out, yourself! he said. Oh but don't forget work!"

"Yes commander. I said, trying not to sound annoyed."

I walked over to the boom box and put the cassette in. The first song blasted out of the speakers

"Indeed it may seem that we have strange ways. But we do it with compassion and don't believe in age

Travel 'round the world gettin' naked on the stage Bustin' people out of their everyday cage"

I walked back to the bar, where a  thousands of dirty glasses were waiting for me. As I started washing them, i couldn't help myself but dancing while listening to that song. I thought to myself, damn they are really great. I liked that song so much that I singed along with the singer

"Good, good time boys, make me feel good.Give me good times yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Good, good time boys, make me feel good.Give me good times yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah"

Of course Pete heard that and yelled over to me.

"Oh I see you are now awake, great now speed up!"

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