Part 14

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He stood up now, grabbing his keys and about to walk towards the door.
I crushed him, and at the same time I didn't know what to tell him.
"Fine, i guess that's it" he said, with his head down. When he opened the door, I stopped him for a sec
"Wait, Tony!" I said making him turning around. "Where are you going? You can't go back to the hotel!" I said.
He laughed bitter "Well, fuck I don't know, I mean obviously i can't stay here, you don't want me to" he said, his voice sounding so disappointed. I then rushed over to him, grabbing his arm.
"You'll stay here Tony, I won't leave you out in the middle of the night, okay?"
This made him chuckle. "Thank you Mary, I knew I can count on you!" he said, walking back to the couch.
"You uh, you got a drink for me?" he asked me nervous.
"Sure!" I said, walking into my kitchen, coming back with two glasses and a bottle of Jack. I poured us a drink and sat next to him. While chugging down the glass, he looked at me, his brown eyes looking tired. "I'm sorry I interrupted your sleep Mary, I just felt the need to see you!" he said.
"Hey, you don't need to apologise for that, but what are we gonna do now?" I asked, sitting in the corner of my couch. He poured himself another glass of Jack, then taking a deep breath. "Mary..I uh I mean the whole touring, I can't cancel it you know!"
"Tony, I wasn't expecting that from you, it's just I mean we know each other for one day now and all we did was having sex and that in a total drunk state,you know?"
He nodded, going through his hair, still quiet.
"Plus you had a girlfriend and I just felt like the second choice!" I said, when he broke his silence.
"Mary?" he whispered
"Yeah?" I asked back. "Would you go, I mean go out with me?" he said, his face now turned to me, looking at me with his brown eyes.
"What? You mean like a date?" I said
"Yeah kind of, I you know wanna know you better, totally sober of course!"
This made me smile, I couldn't remember the last time a guy asked me out,in a proper way.
"I'd love too, Tony!" he now leaned over to me, hugging me really tight. Well look, I thought to myself, he has a soft side,I hugged him back.
"But Tony?"I whispered
"Yeah?" He asked back
"I think it'll be a good idea,if you sleep on the couch tonight". He now pulled back "Seriously?" he asked in disbelief, obviously not what he intended to hear.
"Yeah, well I think that would be the best for now!"
"Okay Mary, whatever you want!" He said smirking. God how can I resist him, I thought myself, but fuck I had to. I then looked at my watch it was nearly 6 a.m now. "Fuck, we definitely need some sleep now!" I said standing up, getting Tony a pillow and a blanket and handing it to him. He had to laugh for a minute "Whats the matter Tony?" I asked back, not realising my flannel shirt being wide open and me only wearing a bra and panties. "Girl, you just are something else!"he said, admiring my presence. I then realised and covered myself up again. I really teased him, with sleeping on the couch, meanwhile standing there with my undies. Crawling back into my bed, while Tony teased me as well by stripping down to his boxers, undoing his ponytail. Good god, I was really surprised at myself, resisting that beautiful body.
"Good Night Tony!" i said
"Sleep tight, Mary!" he answered back.
I had to take a last glimpse across my bed, he laid there so peaceful, his long hair covering half of his face,while him resting on his back, his toned arms crossed under his head. Ok Mary i said to myself, go to sleep.

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